The Conversation: ‘Literally just child gambling’: what kids say about Roblox, lootboxes and money in online games. “In the interviews, we gave children an A$20 debit card to spend however they liked, to help us understand children’s decision-making around spending. While four children purchased non-digital items with their debit card (such as bicycle parts, toys and lollies), 12 […]
Spoiler: It's not your mum.
'Hi Mum' scam continues to trick parents three years on from first texts reported in Australia
I’ll be talking Scams with Nic Healey on ABC Victoria Statewide Mornings just after 9:30am this morning — tune in!
#Scams #Australia #Security
@crazy_pony when @signalapp isn't being run as a #VCMoneyBurningParty and they take #InfoSec, #OpSec, #ComSec & #ITsec serious and stop shilling the #Shitcoin #Scams that is #MobileCoin!
For everyone else, there's #XMPP+#OMEMO (see @monocles / #monoclesChat) & #PGO/MIME (see @delta / #deltaChat)…
In fast-growing Alberta, job seekers have lost millions to employment scams since 2022
The money Albertans have lost to job scams has risen more than tenfold in two years, despite only a small increase in the number of reported victims, federal data shows.
#jobs #money #scams #Alberta #News #Canada
PSA [Canada/British Columbia] phishing alert - see screenshot
Whenever/however you are contacted, especially where internet or cellular technology is used, ignore all links etc.
If you receive an email, open (yourself!) a new browser tab & independently navigate to the intended link.
#Google #GoogleMaps #scams #fraud #SmallBusiness #lawsuits
'Google says it uncovered thousands of illegitimate listings, including for fake businesses, on Google Maps and has announced a lawsuit against the alleged scammers behind the fraud.
The lawsuit, announced Wednesday, claims a man working within a wider network, created and sold fake business profiles on Google Maps. '
@tk seriously, wuot ze fuq?
@ckrypto wasn't complying with #CloudAct, @Mer__edith would be in jail.
Not to mention even if Signal keeps their "#OpenSource" code updated - which is doubtful, NOONE can actually #verify that it's the code you actually use - regardless if #backend / #Server or #client / #App!
Also if Signal was designed for #security, it would've been #decentralized as #XMPP+#OMEMO and not demand #PII like #PhoneNumbers which oftentimes cannot be obtained anonymously in many juristictions at all!
By comparison, @delta doesn't require any PII, only an #eMail account, and @monocles isn't a #VCmoneyBurningParty but sustainable due to #subscription and they don't even require any personal details for #payment: #CashByMail and #Monero are accepted.
Again: It's Signal alone who have to evidence they are trustworthy, and all I get are "#TrustMeBro!" replies, which means they are not to be trusted.
Whereas with #XMPP I can completely setup my own server and client, even build my own if I don't trust anyone else and pay someone to audit the code.
Whereas with XMPP & PGP/MIME #eMail I can layer @torproject / #Tor over it, make it an #OnionService and keep that thing under my bed with a literal killswitch...
@romancelandia @bookstodon #Romancelandia #IndieAuthors
#ReaderBeware #PSA Please note: the same people behind Unbound Publishing, who haven't paid authors or fulfilled publishing obligations towards readers who funded specific books, are now behind the "new" Boundless venture.
(Because bankruptcy laws in the U.K. let them do this with impunity and ad infinitum)
Lots of text scams going around. I just got this one:
Don't engage.
Who is sending those scammy text messages about unpaid tolls?
They want your payment information. And your personal information. #Phishing kits for this particular campaign originate from China.
#cybersecurity #security #scams
national geographic going in on crypto scammers
Who is sending those scammy text messages about unpaid tolls?
The latest smishing scam follows a familiar process as ones the industry has seen over the past decade.
A Consumer petition to get:
<< Banks to refund scam victims for authorised and unauthorised scam payments, unless the victim has been grossly negligent.
A national anti-scam framework requiring banks, telcos and digital platforms to take action to address scams and outlining their liability if they fail to meet their obligations.
A centralised anti-scam centre where relevant organisations work together to keep us safe.>>
They aim for 20,000.
Scammers are so fickle. I believe the response that I receive is akin to “eff you!”
I get these highway toll scams regularly and it’d be amusing if it wasn’t so annoying as I live in the 5th largest state in the US and as far as I know there are zero toll roads in the entire state. In the big scheme of things I suppose it’s good that the scammers are dumb though…
If you had a captive audienxe of non techy civilians for an hour, what scams online would you want them to be aware of and what protections would you want to make them aware of they could meaningfully put in place to prevent occurence or limit harm from a scam?