@Tutanota there's only.one worse #eMail #Client, and that is #MicrosoftOutlook who sends all #logins straight to #Microsoft in plaibtext (abeit transport is encrypted!)…
@voxel personally, I despise @brave and I think it, @Vivaldi or any other #Chromium-#Fork|s are just bad to the point that I recommend using @torproject / #TorBrowser, @dillo / #dillo and #LynxBrowser over those.
I consider #Edge to be #Givware just like #MicrosoftOutlook which leaks all login details to #Microsoft!
Outlook stundenlang ausgefallen: Microsoft nennt Ursache
Etliche Nutzer klagten am Samstagabend über fehlenden Zugriff auf die Mailanwendung Outlook. Betreiber Microsoft äußert sich.
@opensuse sono nuovo e sto cercando di crearmi un ecosistema digitale europeo ma, per rimanere con voi di #opensuse ho dovuto scegliere la #tumbleweed a causa di servizi non compatibili con le versioni delle applicazione presenti nella #leap. Il più eclatante è la compatibilità tra #microsoftoutlook e #kmail.
@ploum instead of @signalapp which also falls under #CloudAct and is also a #Proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution, consider #XMPP+#OMEMO for real #E2EE with #SelfCustody of all the keys!
Fir #eMail & #Chat, I can recommend @monocles as a paid provider who doesn't run #ads and doesn't fall under Cloud Act or similar laws. (Also they have excellent #Apps that work with basically all providers usibg standard-compliant servers & APIs!)
You may want to consider #Torifying everything by using @guardianproject #Orbot and push everything on #mobile through @torproject / #Tor.
In fact, some providers like cock.li even have #OnionServices to directly connect to them.
#MicrosoftOutlook literally steals your Login #credentials, so using @thunderbird is a necessity anyway. Don't forget to change your logins either way!
#Firefox is okay, but #TorBrowser should be normalized as well.
Consider launching a @cryptoparty to teach other the same.
Nirmalize using @tails_live / @tails / #Tails as your #DailyDriver!
Email question: my university uses #MicrosoftOutlook for #email, which I loathe with the fire of a thousand suns. I can’t use POP or IMAP to funnel messages to my home account, which means I have to remember to check this other account to catch important messages (I have missed a few).
I can’t even auto-forward messages, I can only forward one message at a time, by hand. WTF.
I’ve asked about this several times, they say it’s for “security reasons”. Anyone know if that holds any water?
OMG, Microsoft Teams finally unified its calendar with Outlook! Jesus, we finally have a single calendar that shows the same content in both apps & empowers the user to create & manage meetings the exact same way in both Win32 apps.
(Now if I could JUST get them to update participant attendance dynamically in OneNote like Lync/Skype for Business used to... <sigh>
@Drat of course they would do that because you know, the best UX design for when your account settings aren't correct is to send you a cryptic email instead of popping up an error message inside the program to let you know something went wrong.
Excellent job Microsoft!
Oh, and is it normal to get ads inviting me to download a different version of Outlook after I've already signed up for a paid subscription? Asking for a friend.
I really cannot understand how Microsoft Outlook became the juggernaut that it is. It sucks. It has always sucked. The New Outlook now sucks even harder, but sucks with a more cheerful looking UI.
I'm still getting punched in the face, but at least the person punching me is wearing a t-shirt with a smiley face on it.
Microsoft update changed the way the "Dark Grey" theme looks on the desktop version of Outlook. I don't like it.
How can it possibly be that the #MicrosoftOutlook app on #iOS doesn't have a button on the calendar tab to return to the calendar for the current day.
EDIT: in fact it does! As @chrisgervais noted in his reply, if you just tap the calendar button again it returns to the current day. D'oh!
Original wrong post for posterity:
Instead of blowing a shitload of donation money on #AI bs, how about you actually focus on what really matters, @mozilla ?
making #Firefox great and not a marginally less shitty browser compared to #Google #Chrome / #GoogleChrome...
making @thunderbird / #Thunderbird a really good #mail client and not a marginally less shitty #eMail program than #Microsoft #Outlook / #MicrosoftOutlook and #Apple Mail #AppleMail ...
A longterm Firefox and Thunderbird user.
'Kobold Letters', a great piece by @weddige on the dangers of HTML email, regardless of viewing method https://lutrasecurity.com/en/articles/kobold-letters
‘Cancel Send’ seems to merely expedite sending….
Thanks for the #enshittification
Okay, #Outlook, #MicrosoftOutlook, #Hotmail, whatever... isn't working correctly on #Thunderbird, #KMail, or #Vivaldi email clients. I haven't changed the settings. I'm starting to think it's #Microsoft messing with non-Microsoft email clients. I really need to dump my old Hotmail addresses, this is a complete pain.
I do believe this means that I am done for the year. Woohoo!
Microsoft krallt sich Zugangsdaten: Achtung vor dem neuen Outlook
Das neue kostenlose Outlook ersetzt Mail in Windows, geplant aber auch das klassische Outlook. Es schickt geheime Zugangsdaten an Microsoft.
Outlook for Windows app replaces Mail and Calendar in new Windows 11 preview - Enlarge / The Outlook for Windows web app is included by default in the... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955338 #outlookforwindows #microsoftoutlook #windows11 #outlook #tech #pwa