Love the detail on the grave monument for the theatre impresario John Henry Alexander in the Glasgow Necropolis, especially the rather wind-blown foliate green man.
Love the detail on the grave monument for the theatre impresario John Henry Alexander in the Glasgow Necropolis, especially the rather wind-blown foliate green man.
"To Know Him Is to Love Him" is a song written by #PhilSpector, inspired by the words on his father's #gravestone, "To Know Him Was to Love Him". It was first recorded by the only vocal group of which he was a member, #TheTeddyBears. The single spent three weeks at No. 1 on the #Billboard Hot 100 #chart in 1958, while reaching No. 2 on the UK's #NewMusicalExpress chart. #PeterAndGordon.
Love this mosaic I came across today on an 1920s gravestone in the New Kilpatrick Cemetery in Bearsden, just to the northwest of Glasgow.
I love the way the moss has grown into the inscription on this 18th Century gravestone in the Glasgow Cathedral Old Burial Ground. The stone is lying flat on the ground allowing water to gather in the grooves, resulting in an increased growth in the moss within the words in comparison to the surrounding stone. The light on it today was juat perfect to highlight this differential growth.
The #cemetery in #Amlwch has a #gravestone in the form of a #lighthouse. It is for Thomas Cunningham, who had worked on a lighthouse in Shanghai for 30 years. He was originally from Liverpool. It is very detailed, even with an iron ladder up the side to the doorway.
Love this hour glass on the top of a grave monument in Glasgow's Cathcart Cemetery.
Exploring the filming locations of A Christmas Carol (1984), here in delightful Shrewsbury. Here is the film prop gravestone of Ebeneezer Scrooge still in situ in St Chad’s Graveyard (recently restored after vandalism). #scrooge #dickens #gravestone #AChristmasCarol #christmas #film #cinema #alttext
#Writers #WritersCoffeeClub #WordWeavers #PennedPossibilities
I use my local #cemetery (created by the grandfather of President FDR in 1850) in three ways--for relaxing walks with the dog, for discovering and enjoying old #gravestone #art, and for finding character names for my writing. The third is particularly helpful because the fictional town in my work in progress is located where I live, so the dates on the graves help suggest popular local names for characters of different ages and historical times.
Gravestone of Mercy Brown at Rhode Island Historical Cemetery: Exeter No. 22 - Chestnut Hill Cemetery 10/21/24 #headstone #graveyard #gravestone #cemetery #cemeteryphotography #grave #graveyardphotography #rhodeislandhistoricalcemetery #exeter #rhodeisland #commonburialground #newengland #history #gravestonesfromthe1800s #cemeteriesofnewengland #rhodeislandvampirepanic #mercybrown
Gravestone at Rhode Island Historical Cemetery: Newport No. 3 - Common Burial Ground,; God’s Little Acre section. Newport, RI 10/17/24 #headstone #graveyard #gravestone #cemetery #cemeteryphotography #grave #graveyardphotography #rhodeislandhistoricalcemetery #newport #rhodeisland #commonburialground #newengland #history #godslittleacre #gravestonesfromthe1700s #cemeteriesofnewengland
Gravestone at Winslow Cemetery, Dennis MA 10/09/24 #gravestone #headstone #graveyard #CemeteryPhotography #graveyardphotography #photography #winslowcemetery #capecod #capecodphotography #dennis #taphophile #gravestonesfromthe1700s #massachusetts #newengland #newenglandcemeteries
Gravestone at Falmouth Old Burying Ground, Falmouth MA 10/02/24 #gravestone #headstone #graveyard #CemeteryPhotography #graveyardphotography #photography #falmouthooldburyingground #capecod #capecodphotography #falmouth #taphophile #gravestonesfromthe1700s #massachusetts #newengland #newenglandcemeteries
Gravestone at Falmouth Old Burying Ground, Falmouth MA 10/02/24 #gravestone #headstone #graveyard #CemeteryPhotography #graveyardphotography #photography #falmouthooldburyingground #capecod #capecodphotography #falmouth #taphophile #gravestonesfromthe1700s #massachusetts #newengland #newenglandcemeteries
Memento Mori, or Reminders of Death, on a gravestone in the graveyard of the Govan Old Parish Church in Glasgow. Particularly common on 18th Century Scottish gravestones, these were symbols such as skulls, crossbones, hour glasses, trumpets, skeletons and spades, associated with death. They are generally found on the reverse of the gravestove, with the main inscription on the other side.
Came upon this, from the British Lichen Society: "#Churchyards are of supreme importance for #lichen #conservation." This churchyard is certainly doing its part: here's a #gravestone covered in lichen at Cille Choirill in #Scotland.
I'm torn between appreciation of the way lichen softens a graveyard and frustration that so many inscriptions become illegible.
#LichenSubscribe #TombTuesday
#MondayMourning: Louise the Unfortunate
No one knows Louise's real story. Legend has it that she traveled to Natchez sometime after the Civil War in search of her fiancé. For reasons unknown, she found herself stranded and husbandless.
Too proud to return home, she became a seamstress, maid, then "woman of the night." After dying in her mid-20s, a mysterious benefactor paid for her funeral and this headstone, more than what most paupers received.
The cemetery in Amlwch has a gravestone in the form of a lighthouse. It is for Thomas Cunningham, who had worked on a lighthouse in Shanghai, China, for 30 years, and retired to Anglesey. He was originally from Liverpool. It is very detailed, even with an iron ladder up the side to the doorway.
#lighthouse #anglesey #gravestone #tombstone #amlwch
Well… they’re *not* wrong
#HisAndHearsePress #Cemetery #Headstone #Gravestone #IncorrectSignage #Funeral #Mortuary #PainStopsHere #TheyreNotWrong #DeathPositive #StandingStoneSunday
: Kayla Faustus or…?
“The Kiss of Death” from Poblenou Cemetery, Barcelona. An inscription reads: "So his youthful heart is fading. In his veins his blood is freezing, and all strength has slipped away. Faith is leveled as he falls into the arms of Death. Alas!” Photo: Stephan Harmes.