Am I disturbed by these attacks on #Tesla cars and dealerships? Yes.
However I must also take their context into account. And the context is this:
Yes, there are legal and less-violent ways of fighting #fascism than this. However, in the last decade or two, Western Democracies have largely failed to use them. The #USA is the worst example, of course - but #Germany also flunked the test, as evidenced by how the authorities and political parties failed to take a strong stand againat the #AfD (including failing to start the process of outlawing them).
And if legal and less-violent actions are not taken... then sooner or later illegal and violent actions are the only ones left, especially once the fascists have already taken over (as it has happened in the USA).
And as a tactic for opposing fascism, I think these attacks on Tesla cars is actually one of the more effective one. It hurts one of the biggest promoters of fascism - #ElonMusk - in his pocketbook, as it sinks the value of his brand. And it sends a clear message to other oligarchs that promoting fascism will have real, negative consequences for _their_ bottom lines as well.
So I and anyone else who might be put off by these attacks should ask ourselves:
"Do I have a better tactic for fighting fascism - and if so, am I actively using it?"
I live in Germany, where we don't yet have an outright fascist takeover like in the USA yet (again...). So I am leery of criticizing those Americans who are actually on the front lines of fighting fascism, and who are risking their own lives and freedom for this.