Pianonymous: "Tarkus (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)" featuring #Ukulele, #Melodica, #Otamatone, gong and toy piano.
Flashback shot. He was trying to eat the strings on my ukulele while I was changing them, but eventually he got bored and fell asleep. #cats #OrangeCats #CatsOfMastodon #Ukulele
Hey !
Je suis content de vous présenter l'illustration, avant colorisation, qui habillera le programme du printemps prochain de La Cave à Musique à Mâcon.
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So, jetzt hab ich es auch endlich hierher geschafft
Gestern hatte ich einen sehr
schönen Abend im Café Provinz mit #diesiffer bei der Release Show von #Schubkarre.Danke ihr lieben Menschen für eure warmen Worte und die strahlenden Gesichter, in die ich von der Bühne aus schauen durfte. Danke für die Einladung, #schubkarre ! Und natürlich danke, liebe #mareikesfotomomente für die schönen Fotos
Habt alle einen schönen Sonntag!
I’ve probably mentioned him before, but if you’re a fan of #ukulele or #REM, you should definitely check out the linked video from Al Wood, aka Woodshed.
he’s simply fab and does arrangements of tunes I’ve never heard before, but I enjoy them very much.
I’ll never reach such skill levels myself, but I can appreciate good music when I hear it.
There's a listening party about to start for Danielle Ate the Sandwich's new album over on Bandcamp:
caravelle kitchen jazz manouche élite grand bouche
once again triggered by a review on gotaukulele.com i laid my hands on this handmade ukulele from caravelle kitchen in France. concert scale, spruce top, mango body - and the shape of an old selmer macaferri "gypsy" guitar.
came with martin m600 strings which i swapped for a set of fremont black medium low-g
New #introduction post!
I'm Alicia and I'm a fibre artist (#dyeing #handspinning #felting #needlefelting #weaving #crochet #embroidery #upcycling #sewing) with interests in #mandala #art #psychedelicart #sacredgeometry #neurographicart and #watercolors.
My family and I run a business called @Fibre2Fabric where we dye all sorts of exotic #fibre #yarn, and #fabric.
I live in the country with my partner and our 6 #cats, 3 #dogs, #snake and #crestedgecko where I enjoy my many interests. (#gardening #plants #herbalism #fungi #music #ukulele #piano #dancing #flowart #reading #writing #tarot #poetry #haiku #cozygames and I'm getting more into #opensource / #linux)
When I say flow art, I mean spinning props like #hulahoop #leviwand #puppyhammer #poi #staff #silkfans #firefans etc.
I love #languagelearning. I studied #German and #Spanish as a kid, took #Japanese in uni, and I'm currently studying #ASL #Cree #Tokipona #Spanish and #Chinese. I also dabble in #French and #Latin sometimes and I'm learning #Greggshorthand to write faster. Cree is my favourite language and Spanish is my second.
I've been cursed since childhood with that lovely trifecta of #heds #pots and #mcas. Healing slowly but surely.
Hope I get to meet even more cool people the algorithms would normally drown out on other social media sites. I love it here!
This is Choan Gálvez, composer, performer, and #ukulele player established in Barcelona.
I've written a large opus of instrumentals and have published eight books of original music for solo ukulele. I've also released two solo ukulele albums.
My compositions have been premiered and recorded by the likes of Giovanni Albini, Donald Bousted, and Samantha Muir, among others.
Here’s a playlist which could serve as an introduction to my music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSDK-ZdVThAs9sV_bgWg_A5K5IuW-I1Mj
So, jetzt mal etwas ganz anderes. Ein kleines Spaßlied über einen Pinguin und ein Daunenkissen. Mit Pinguin und #Ukulele und ein wenig zerzaust (also, ich).
The Lilting Banshee, an Irish jig, was one of the first pieces I arranged for #ukulele: https://www.choan.es/en/blog/the-lilting-banshee/
I’ll Be Around by Alex Wilder (recorded by Cab Calloway and others)
'I went through a phase of playing Johnny Cash songs in the style of George Formby, for my own amusement. One night I was sat in the hotel room, singing [in Formby’s’ accent] “I’ve shot a man in Reno!” There was a bang on the wall and I realised it was like three in the morning. I felt like an absolute twat.'
— Ross Noble, interview in The Guardian
Uke Tunes: "2-Tone – A Ukulele Songbook"