On a more positive note: I've just finished a truly fantastic home #herbalism course that is open to people from all over because it is available 100% online.
For folks out of the area, they mail a box out every month and then there is a zoom meeting the last weekend of the month with extra lessons, question and answer, and small group work.
I would say the weekly work is anywhere from 2 to 10 hours, depending on how much you really get into it. There is a lot of seasonal work in the spring in the fall, as much as you can tolerate or do.
Most of the tasks for an entire month could be done in about 20 hours total, though, similar to any hobby. I'll be honest: you'll want to do much, much more because it is fascinating, fun, and empowering to get out there in nature and get to know the plants around you.
It's one of the best classes I've taken in the past couple of decades -- and I am a learning sponge! I've been herbalism-adjacent since the mid 90s, but I never felt like I had the permission or the knowledge to move forward and create the things that I am now creating to help myself and other people.
You do not have to live in my region to take the class. We had people from all over the country, even Alaska, in it this last year, though those of us live nearby were able to visit with the teachers in person to pick up our monthly supplies boxes and do a few extra activities together. That was really awesome.
I cannot express enough how practical and essential these basic herbalism skills are and will be in the coming years. Knowing the plants that are around you and what can be done with them for food and other purposes is going to be an essential survival skill for a lot of us. It will mean a tiny bit more food and health security.
All of these things are things can of course be learned out of books and for free, always. Books are our allies. I've been doing this on my own with books for decades. If you want some book recommendations, I've got those.
However, for me, being a part of a class and having teachers I could speak with when I had questions has skyrocketed me to confidence and competence in my herbal crafting skills. It's not just making nice bath salts for holiday presents or drinking store-bought teas. I'm seriously in the weeds of creating my own apothecary now. I have reliable sources for really good quality material, and what I'm making is astounding.
If you're interested in learning more about the 2025 class that starts in January, feel free to send me a private message and I will send you a link.
I don't get any kickbacks or anything for doing so! I just want more people to learn these skills and to work with these teachers. They're constantly updating their information with new knowledge, too. Sometimes a lesson or two got a little bit too "woo woo out there" for me, but the basic information is solid.
The training is pretty affordable in the wider scope of things, too (aboit $120/mo on the payment plan). I was fortunate to be able to just barely afford to do it this year (some of my tuition went on credit cards, sad but true). I wish I had known aboit the training 10 years ago, but I'm glad I've done it now.