Saturday - Air Supply is in #MedfordMA $69+ (nice)
#BostonMusic #BostonWeekend 8/x
Saturday - Air Supply is in #MedfordMA $69+ (nice)
#BostonMusic #BostonWeekend 8/x
Oh! You all like to vote in the #BostonWeekend polls, and I enjoy knowing whether any people read these threads, so, I present to the #BostonWeekend (7/x) crowd this week's wholly pointless straw poll:
How many holes does a #straw have?
This weekend and next in #CambridgeMA:
North Cambridge Family Opera presents "Kids Court"!
Kids Court is a rollicking farce in which Hansel and Gretel sue their stepmother for abandonment on reality court TV.
Performed entirely in song by a large intergenerational cast (dozens of local families, including mine), with side-titles projected so you don't miss a word. Fun for all ages!
Eight performances on March 29-30 and April 5-6, at the Andrew Peabody School, 70 Rindge Avenue, North Cambridge.
Sat & Sun - Retromania vintage fair, "a retrospective expo", $15 entry @ Roadrunner, #Boston
#BostonWeekend 6/x
Fri-Sat - A new Musical - Looking Back - "a science fiction musical with progressive soul, jazz, and R&B music. The story follows Rebecca Mitchell, a CFO whose history of back-stabbing co-workers finally catches up with her when her former best friend AJ attempts to murder her for ruining his life."
#BostonWeekend 5/x
Fri 9-midnight - Glow in the Dark Holi dance party, Bow Market in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA $26, includes a themed cocktail, wear Black and White
#BostonWeekend 3/x
New here? Every week I scour listings, feeds, and emails - and bring you the best of the best of the weekend's events in #Boston . I live in #somervilleMA, so what I highlight skews local to me, but I'll include anything in #NewEngland if its worth the trip.
If my thread is useful, help share the word - boost and like the events that you think are cool - and when you're talking up the Fediverse to your pals, consider mentioning that we do projects like this one here, because your neighbors deserve nice things.
#BostonWeekend 2/x
Hi #Boston - Time for your events thread for the tail end of March 2025.
#BostonWeekend 1/x
Sunday 630-930 - #BostonDSA board game night in #JamaicaPlain, free but register
#DSA #Boston #BostonWeekend 30/x
Saturday - Garage/Punk show in #Allston - #JohnnieAndTheFoodMasters plus #FugueState album release show - O'brien's Pub, $12.
#BostonMusic #BostonWeekend 29/x
Sunday 430 - Ajda Snyder, leads a meeting discussing how the #SomervilleMA (and greater #Boston area) music scene might be improved, be it with recording spaces or venues or other support for creators.
#BostonWeekend 28/x
This #BostonWeekend thread happens every week, but another project we put together for the #Massachusetts / #NewEngland #community is this list of fedi-enabled local groups.
If you're involved with, or know any #Boston area groups/orgs having a go at #mastodon, please reach out and we'll get them on the Boston Area Starter Pack:
#BostonWeekend 27/x
Saturday 1-3p - MAMAS garden sign painting and repair in #MedfordMA (#MutualAid Medford and #Somerville)
#Medford #Boston #gardening #BostonWeekend 26/x
Sunday 2-4pm - craft supply swap at #ArtisansAsylum #Boston - Free - under 18 ok if with parent/guardian
#BostonWeekend 25/x
Sunday 10am Winterräden Mountain/Ebike/fatbike obstacle course race in #MiddleboroughMA
#BikeTooter #Boston #Massachusetts #BostonWeekend 24/x
Saturday 10am-11pm Book Fair in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA
#Books #Boston #BostonWeekend 23/x
Saturday drop in between 1-5p - High Viz bike wear workshop at #SomervilleMA Bike Kitchen (community repair space), followed by a MassBike free bike light distro at 530 (if you want to volunteer)
#BikeTooter #boston #BostonBikeEvents #BostonBikes #BostonWeekend 22/x
I put together this listing to keep track of concerts I'm excited about this summer, if there's a show missing that seems like it might be remotely up my alley, or some band that you absolutely love in town, send me some info?
#BostonMusic #BostonWeekend 21/x
Sunday 11-3p #portland #Maine #trans document clinic
#BostonWeekend 20/x