Genomic determinants of antigen expression hierarchy in African trypanosomes
Genomic determinants of antigen expression hierarchy in African trypanosomes
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Perception of viral infections and initiation of antiviral defence in rice
TGFβ links EBV to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
An operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes
A robustly rooted tree of eukaryotes reveals their excavate ancestry
Realization of 2D metals at the ångström thickness limit
My pal Jok aka Aphisan did these two really gorgeous works, he is one of the best artists on all of Koh Samui island, definitely one of my favorites of all the great local talent we have here
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 72
Arctic #bumblebees have adapted to (up to now!) a short cool flowering season.
They have large first broods of about 16 female workers that forage continuously all day and overnight during bright #arctic nights.
Species turnover does not rescue biodiversity in fragmented landscapes