ReactOS 0.4.15: Windows-XP-Alternative mit vielen Korrekturen
ReactOS ist in Version 0.4.15 erschienen. Das als Alternative zu Windows XP entwickelte Betriebssystem bringt viele Korrekturen mit.

ReactOS 0.4.15: Windows-XP-Alternative mit vielen Korrekturen
ReactOS ist in Version 0.4.15 erschienen. Das als Alternative zu Windows XP entwickelte Betriebssystem bringt viele Korrekturen mit.
@dsidler @GossiTheDog reminds me of the #SUPPORT_388945a0 - #Backdoor in #WindowsXP…
Windows XP und 8-Zoll-Disketten steuern Atomwaffen und Kriegsschiffe - PC-WELT #WindowsXP #Atomwaffen #Kriegsschiff
Some folks fear change, baby steps.
Some folks are #RetroComputing nostalgic nerds.
Some folks love live #Linux os iso testing.
If you miss those gelly blue bars and red Xs of the before times of #WindowsXP but would prefer modern apps & security updates provided by a #Debian
core maybe #FreeXP is worth a boot.
After 18 years, Windows XP now runs on the original Apple TV.
Further info coming soon. #WindowsXP #AppleTV
Copying a few final files off the XP machine before it goes into storage again, into my archives. Rest well, weird friend. Until I need you again.
I have managed to cross-compile mini-rv32ima (a tiny RISC-V Linux emulator) to 32-bit Windows and run it on Windows XP.
This is unbelievably cursed.
@mudkip noice...
Eight Way Slots /Zombie Slots
> Last day/turn before score reset (1st day of the month)!
I'm trying Netrunner over Windows XP. Looks cool too. :0).
#playing #games #gaming #slots #eightwayslots #zombieslots #retrogaming #retrocomputing
#BBS #BBSing #Netrunner #WindowsXP #EndOfTheLineBBS #bulletinboards #telnet #textmode #ANSI #terminal #pixelart #asciiart #retrocomputing #oldschool
@S_Paternotte @GrapheneOS meanwhile I see #OpenAI literally using falsified #UserAgent|s and #DDoS'ing clients at work so hard I have to ban entire ASNs and /10 networks just because they ca't be assed to respect the robots.txt
and refuse to accept beibg given 403 errors.
-Needless to say banning #GrapheneOS which are by far the most security-focussed and most diligent in terms of #Aftermarket-#Android-#ROM|s whilst not banning #outdated Android versions is like banning a "#SecureBoot|ed" #UbuntuLTS or #OpenBSD installation and going out of one's way to brick #Wine whilst still supporting #WindowsXP in 2025!
Habt ihr auch eine Bekanntschaft, die ihr durch das Internet kennengelernt habt? Eine Person, die immer für euch da war & die immer ein offenes Ohr hatte? Für die, die für andere da sind, aber selbst nicht wissen, wohin mit ihren Problemen ist DIGITALER HELD. #DigitalerHeld ist auf dem #Album #VERPIXELT, das es überall zum Streamen & zum Download gibt. Auch auf #Vinyl und #CD auf meiner #Bandcamp-Seite.
@jakehamilton I guess the only way to workaround this is to re-setup and #airgap that thing then...
Brave Dwarves - Back For Treasures (2004)
A really good one, and challenging! :0)
Level 53 - 39 Lifes
Just wanted to know if Debian 12.08 could run on this little Samsung N210 Machine.
It works well! But.. I really need to find a Linux distrib running fast with only 2 Go of Ram.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Are very welcome! :0)
As you see I've been able to install all the 3 system in a multiboot working.
Ok, do we boot?
@dansup #windowsxp computing era did not include modern day shenanigans such as forcing customers to log in using an online account, injecting advertisements to the start menu and other places with the #operatingsystem, #windows #recall and #copilot support out of the box which invade users' #privacy. Just switch to #linux to get your sanity back.
- I installed #MSDOS 6.22 at first.
- Creating and formating the Windows XP partition.
At this point, all is going good! :0)
To choose the Boot Device at startup just press ESC..
(Yeah, it's a different one on many machine, sometimes hell, haha)
I'm using this USB external Sony DVDrom :
I just installed MSDOS 6.22 by cloning a backup ( . I will have to edit a lot of things in the config files, but I saved time. Hope to #BBS over #MSDOS again soon! :0)
I've upgraded the memory to 2Go. I think It's the maximum for this machine, "constructor said".
I finally received this Samsung N210, in very good condition! The battery still has a very good autonomy & the power supply/charger that I had, is compatible & does its job. Even if it's not original. Finally, here is the plan for the hard drive:
- #MSDOS 6.22 (or #FREEDOS 1.4?)
- Windows XP Professional
- Games Partition
- A compatible Linux: any recommendation?
@johoda you can do that on unix-esque OSes but why would you want that?