A #portrait that Danielle took of me at Wheelies Motorcycles & Cafe, in the Rock Bay area of #VictoriaBC - for a charity ride event.
Stephanie, my trusted & excellent orthotist at Fisher Building, fixed both of my leg braces today. This is the left AFO - added foot cushioning & two new straps were put on to replace older ones that weren't holding up. My right AFO had specialty heel airhole cushioning & back of ankle padding added & I had her replace the top thigh strap too.
She has put in a funding assistance form for one specialty brace for my lower left leg to deal with some floppy foot & pain related issues when I try to sleep. Hopefully I get full funding assistance because orthotics are hella expensive to pay out of pocket for.
Beautiful customized #orthotics at Fisher Building. It's not mine. My leg braces are both full length leg braces.
At Fisher Building orthotics.
The same place that made my first leg braces in 1980. I've never gone anywhere else. Many of the former staff there watched me grow from a child into an adult.
I tested out a new cane (it's really pretty - purple with colourful flowers) & used my umbrella hat for our rainy day hike today.
We ran into 3 younger hikers with a super rad Aussie shepard dog along the trails & 2 of them complimented me on my blue hair. I responded with - I love colourful things! I'm wearing a mini circus tent on my head, as you can see! Then we all laughed
#PeopleWithDisabilities are excluded from multiple local emergency evacuation plans. They do not even include us. We should just wait for help or die waiting? We deserve better!
I'm fucking SALTY today. I'm sick of people saying they fucking care about #PeopleWithDisabilities but won't do shit all, outside their goddamn comfort zones to try to help us. Fuck that shit. I don't need your words of comfort. I need you to step the fuck up, harder!
Don't fucking tell me you care about us, when you do not use your privileges to stand up for us.
If you've never been a target of #eugenics by government - you should be grateful. You should use your privileges to try to help those of us targeted by eugenicists.
Why are more of you privileged & not targeted by government eugenicis monsters not doing much to step up to speak up for us - facing erasure by eugenics, by the same governments holding power over us?
Death & disability wishes - to all people who stopped masking. ZERO SYMPATHY. You deserve to die & become disabled for lack of caring about others. ESPECIALLY, if you're an unmasked person who got covid multiple times. FUCK YOU.
I now look at unmasked people, especially in medical settings - as selfish #eugenics enablers & I feel like setting them on fire. These are the people who treat disabled people like me - like we should just shut up & die.
We won't. We will stay alive & keep reminding you eugenics enablers that we are still here & we think you are selfish shitheads.
5 years ago.
I found this cool, lean-to survival shelter, while out on a day hike around some #Wsanec forests. It was an unexpected find. Not really suited for a really big person - I'm under 5' & had to stoop a bit to walk into it.
En route to pharmacy to pickup prescription refills. A #SelfPortrait in the car.
@JackRacc @actuallyautistic It's allowed because #BCNDP are #neoliberals & they're OK with #eugenics. Disabled people & marginalized people in general, especially poor ones, have no value according to this government.
Bonnie Henry still being paid by taxpayers funds is a prime example of eugenicist in public (dis)service position.
@MegaMichelle They won't do that. They won't even buy N95s so PAPR won't ever be considered. I'm tolerated but feel ostracized at work because I'm still protecting with masks, still keep asking for proactive masking - despite being shut down on that multiple times. I'm in a very tiny minority of covid cautious folks at work & in larger local community.
Unmasked plague spreaders repeat #eugenics crap from #BonnieHenry - our evil #BCPublicHealth officer. I HATE HER.
Following up, this week, with a personal lead to adaptive archery lessons with a coach who is very experienced working with teaching students with a wide range of physical disabilities
Jerrod Ball, owner & instructor at Pacific Archery Academy.
Do you know who has a lot of credit when it comes to me learning to be more courageous about showing my flawed, imperfect self online, now?
It's due to a bunch elementary school children, at the now closed McTavish Elementary School in #CentralSaanich. I did my practicum there after obtaining my specialized teacher's assistant certifications. I worked with FASD, autistic, down syndrome & physically disabled students there. They represented 30% of student population there.
I did an interactive cultural, racial & disabilities bridging awareness program while there. Part of it was showcasing my life as a child war survivor & how me & my family survived war. The other part was showcasing how I was diagnosed with polio. How I was told I'd be living out of a wheelchair for my whole life. How I beat that diagnosis by sheer willpower & suffering much physical pains while forcing my body to learn how to walk against all odds. How I'm in front of them, walking & talking. I invited the kids to ask any questions they wanted & advised staff/parental witnesses to not interrupt kids during Q&A period. The kids asked amazing questions & I answered all of them, openly & honestly. I had a few parents & teachers squirm when one kid asked to see & touch my leg braces. I showed the kids both my leg braces & told them it's OK to touch them & ask me more questions.
This is how I bridge things & create less fears of disabled peoples, from a young age. Most kids are more curious than outright judgemental. Most kids develop understanding of disabled people, if they're taught well.