Asking for boosts again
Sharing this again because we still haven't reached our goal, and I might end up increasing that a bit. I am unable to work and go to school simultaneously, due to my chronic pain/illness, it's just too hard on my body. That means I will have no income over the summer, and will have to figure out selling my jewelry. I want to be able to save some of the funds for her celebration of life, and not have it all end up going to bills.
Where we're at: cremation was fully covered, which was $1350. The most important thing! Right now any extra has gone to bills, and I am working to save as much as possible. It's hard to plan for a celebration when I am not sure what I am working with money wise. Dying is so expensive.
If you're local to Portland and would like to buy some of my handmade whimsigoth jewelry let me know, and that is another way you can help! I'll get some pictures up soon.
I still appreciate everyone that has helped so far in any way, it means so much to me!