Long time reader first time suggestor.
I can’t let this week’s #ThePlaylistSuggestion about #time go without suggesting ‘Who Knows Where The Time Goes’ by the wonderful Sandy Denny.
Long time reader first time suggestor.
I can’t let this week’s #ThePlaylistSuggestion about #time go without suggesting ‘Who Knows Where The Time Goes’ by the wonderful Sandy Denny.
"one of my neighbors was kidnapped yesterday"
get involved, defend your community.
In the countryside, there are rituals that have endured for hundreds of years, unchanged.
This elderly woman, her body bent by time and hard work, walks each day to meet her chickens - who roam freely across a vast open space.
She gathers a few branches and leaves, then returns to fetch the food she’ll give them, to complement what they’ve already foraged in nature.
The chickens, friendly and orderly, follow her all the while.
And watching them, I’m reminded of people who are no longer here - people who were part of my life for a long time, who lived those same rituals, even if hundreds of kilometers away.
Even as everything around us changes, there are places that never do.
Good morning.
24 March 2025
Nowadays, I often lose track of time. Oh, I know time has passed, but events often feel more recent than they actually are. In a way, they are relatively recent. For example, when I was 10, a year ago was 1/10th of my life; when I was 20, it was 1/20th, and so on. Now, a year represents only 1/72nd of my life. I recently built myself a new computer with all the bells and whistles, but I find myself thinking that I just put it together—whether it was a year, two years ago, or even three. What once felt like a long time ago now seems like it just happened. I think what I’m describing is called the proportional theory of time.
"Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind." - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Genau jetzt bin ich #live auf #Twitch mit #Time Loader schaut gerne vorbei, ich freue mich auf euch https://www.twitch.tv/spassmitvideospielen
"...what if we really did do the work to create a world where the sisters of Shakespeare and Mozart, or any woman, really, could thrive?"
On women's lack of uninterupted time for focus and creatieve work. For "flow".
This essay is so true it hurts.
This post typed with 4 interruptions.
This Time story by photographer Philip Holsinger describes what the Venezuelans faced when arriving in El Salvador.
"Holding my camera, it was as if I watched them become ghosts."
Imagine that it is you or one of your family members.
Kidnapped from the street, no criminal record, no process, moved to a for-profit working prison in a foreign country.
For the rest of your life?
#Holsinger #Time #ElSalvador #Prison #Slavery #Deportation
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Did you know that how we experience time is not obvious?
In 1962, explorer Michel Siffre descended 130m underground. He had no #time cues with him.
He repeated the exercise several times with other people.
He discovered that with the absence of light, humans adjust to a 48h (instead of 24h) time cycle.
He had been inspired by #space travel & #astronauts confirmed his findings.
His last expedition covered New Year's Eve 2000, but he overslept by 4 days.
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"Dark energy was discovered in the late 1990s..." Um, no, it wasn't "discovered", it was hypothesized. And remains a hypothesis today.
(I'm continually bewildered that no researchers ever seem to be curious enough to investigate the nature of that one element that is crucial to all their astronomy but that they just assume to be universally constant:
What is it? What are its constituent parts? What affects the linearity of its rate of passage – historical, geometrical etc.?)
Good morning.
16 March 2025
I think I'll start going for walks as soon as I wake up in the morning. Maybe it will help me feel more alert when I come here to start writing to you. I'll begin tomorrow. Tomorrow always seems like the perfect time to tackle anything. When tomorrow becomes today, there’s always another tomorrow waiting just beyond. It's funny how time works, isn’t it? Every present moment is but an ephemeral flicker, disappearing before you can fully grasp it, leaving only memories of what once happened around you. Speaking of time, I forgot to mention—you can't do anything yesterday. If you could, it would already be done. Have I managed to confuse you yet? Because I think I’m doing a pretty good job confusing myself!
"Thus, we play the fool with the time and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us." - William Shakespeare
"How did it get so late so soon?" - Dr. Seuss
You have one life…
Think about it, use it wisely, and make a difference—now!
#resist #actnow #runthemoutoftown #notrump #nomusk #nomaga #noafd #taxtherich #unplugtrump #unplugtesla #whentheygolowwegohigh
#uspol #FightExtremism #climatechange #globalchange #fightclimatechange #biodiversityloss #timeisup #time #theScaleofTime #runningoutoftime