Wailberd in flight.
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Wailberd in flight.
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This is Wailberd, child of Viato and Demaru.
They are the product of 5 generations of breeding.
Wailberd wonders if they're as good as their parents.
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Jumiski moves.
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Stessler and Orlens mated to produce Jumiski.
They are the product of 1 generations of breeding.
They are famously gregarious.
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Troader in motion.
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This is Troader, child of Mavin and Mizer.
They are the product of 2 generations of breeding.
They are famously gregarious.
If this flame is beautiful, or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.
Remember the cool (fractal?) visualisations that the old Winamp used to generate?
I want to produce exactly that style for videos to go with my music, so there's something interesting and attractive to watch if I put my music on 'tubes' of whatever flavour.
It needs to be EASY to do as there's only a very small part of Nige's grey matter left to be assigned to doing it!
#fedihelp #askfedi #music #visualization #fractal (maybe! )
Tratky in motion.
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Momirat and Ajiqus mated to produce Tratky.
They are a Generation 1 fractal.
They like simple fractals.
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#MathArtMarch Day 15 (Triangle)
A variation on the Sierpiński Triangle: split it into 16 ¼-length triangles and remove 3 around the centre. Repeat in each sub-triangle, and you get this.
As usual, made entirely in #PowerPoint.
#mathart #fractal #fractalart #geometry
#FractalFriday meets #FungiFriday meets #Mosstodon.
It's been raining for days on end, which means that the moss is happy, growing shiny and bright green. In this case on a bracket fungus that grows on a tree stump hosting 3 generations of them.
#MathArtMarch Day 14 (Irrational)
Start with a line segment. Replace it with two lines at 45° to it, scaled by √2. Keep repeating. You get the Heighway Dragon #fractal.
I think the pattern inside is caused by my scaling factor not being exactly √2 (#PowerPoint doesn't allow irrational size)
Nitway dances for you.
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Dab and Neffernian mated to produce Nitway.
They are a Generation 2 fractal.
Nitway prefers dogs to cats.
If this flame is beautiful, or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.
Lempton in flight.
If this flame is beautiful, or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.