And here's today's actual new blog post!

And here's today's actual new blog post!
I wrote a post about everybody's favorite thing: internet ads!
#blog #blogging #blogpost #indieweb #advertising #personalwebsite
I had a whole other post planned for today. But then I saw something on the internet that got me fired up and grateful for a blog.
Here are my thoughts on the letter G as it pertains to rock.
#rockandroll #music #blogpost #weireverywhere
Four photos & one video from a very windy visit to Point Reyes National Seashore as part of the “SAN-2-SEA” trip with in May 2013. It was about time to put them together in a blog post, I guess!
Möchte den 350+ Leuten danken, die seit gestern hier auf #Mastodon an meiner Umfrage zu #Trump & #Taiwan teilgenommen haben.
Ihr habt gezeigt, dass die allermeisten Menschen hier den aktuellen, säkularen #Zeitenumbruch durchaus erfassen und weder mit Panik noch mit Verschwörungsmythen reagieren.
Das bedeutet mir viel, gibt mir #Hoffnung.
Danke, sehr! #Blogpost #Zeit #Krieg #Philosophie #Ukraine #USA #Russland #China #Antisemitismus
Things people commonly have, but I don't.
In a conversation recently with a friend I casually mentioned I didn't have something. They were shocked... "but everyone has one" was the response.
So here's my list of don't haves:
Today's Cheering Up Mondays flower has been brightening my garden - and mood - for the past week. Read about it on my blog:
Ik ben niet boos, ik ben teleurgesteld én boos. Verdorie, Mozilla!! #blogpost. (Reacties op deze toot verschijnen ook op het blog)
This is dedicated to my brother, Doji. I was listening to a song that had what I like to call the Valerie Effect. That is, a song that picks up right where it left off when placed on repeat. If you know of any songs like that, I want to hear 'em!
#music #stevewinwood #fraternity #birthday #blogpost
»Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever«
– from @Daojoan
Wow, twintig jaar! #blogpost. (Reacties op deze toot verschijnen ook op het blog)
I just finished the blog post on FediMeteo, how it was created and what it's made of. In the end, it turned out less technical than expected, but that's fine. I’ll be publishing it tomorrow morning.
I added a #Blogroll
I also added a Mastodon feed for #blogpost of #indieweb tags.
For the middle of the month as usual, I have my monthly #Throwback to photos and their stories from 10 years ago. It's just three photos this month, in my #PhotoBlog
I wrote a blog post about not getting to see a show last night.
Piece written for NHSN's "Nature's cure in times of need" project - a very personal post on time spent with the River Tyne in Newcastle over 20 years
#naturewriting #blogpost #blog #ecology #conservation #newcastle #rivertyne
(not even sure the project is still running but it was nice to write!)
It doesn't matter how long you garden, there's always something new to find out. I've been writing about snowdrops for many years but reading this book by Naomi Slade it seems there's still more to learn. (Given review copy, not paid.)
A comprehensive look at one of my favourite flowers and something that is everywhere here in Gloucestershire.
Full review on my blog:
Naomi Slade
Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ️?
Das Mastodon-Fediversum ist schon klasse! Nachdem ich heute Nacht (!) mal einfach gefragt hatte, welche Themen für einen #Blogpost interessieren würden, kamen schon zig teilweise super-interessante Vorschläge!
Daher werde ich heute einfach mal Vorschläge (auch unter diesem Post) sammeln, diese von Hand notieren und sie über die nächsten Monate hinweg Vorschlag für Vorschlag aufgreifen! Danke Euch, sehr!