I'm a bit obsessed with working on my website currently. And inspired by all the fantastic personal websites I'm finding. So here's another update to my website:
I added three pages: a sitemap, a page where I want to collect all the single pages I want to make, and one such single page.
I also put the change log on my homepage into a scrollable box. I'm not super happy with how it looks, but I do like a scrollable box thing.
I am feeling a bigger re-design coming... I have ideas, but don't know when I'll actually sit down to try it out. I have some ideas of single pages first.
#personalWebsite #neocities #smallWeb #personalWeb #indieWeb
I've complettely revamped my site again! It's now #BuiltWithEleventy and has a proper blog with a tagging system and everything!
Forever a work in progress, I fixed some broken pagination links on my website, added some fantastic art from Olly Costello on the frontpage, and polished it up a bit... take a look! <3
#indieweb #personalwebsite #smallweb
I added a #Blogroll
I also added a Mastodon feed for #blogpost of #indieweb tags.
Celebrating 16 years since I created my first website!
Here's a blog post commemorating this occasion from last year.
"There is a hidden value in blogging. There’s an old Zen saying: “Chop wood, carry water.” You do it not for the applause but because it needs doing."
I have updated my website's CSS. The updates are barely visible for the most part, as the design stayed the same. But thanks to @kevinpowell@front-end.social and his excellent "HTML & CSS for Absolute Beginners" video series on Youtube I made some changes and improvements. Some of which have lead into another problem, but for now I won't think too hard about it. After all, I am still learning and this is only just a hobby project.
One improvement: The images on this post are now behaving way better.
The problem: The gap between image and text in this post is huge. Which I believe has to do with the grid-template-colums set to 1fr 1fr. But as I said, I'm not going to loose any sleep over it, and I'm going to figure this one out eventually.
(Please no-one look too closely at my stylesheet. It's a mess. )
Thanks again to @flamed@social.lol for pointing me towards Kevin's YouTube.
#PersonalWebsite #PersonalBlog #SmallWeb #CSS