A wild post appeared!
Two calls and two tales

A wild post appeared!
Two calls and two tales
A wild post appeared!
It's a start - Growing up
A wild post appeared!
Some Stories
#ChronoTrigger is 30 years old, so I wrote a blog post about some thoughts on it, maybe I'll play it again this year and finally write my full review for it?
This is day 35 of #100DaysToOffload
A wild post appeared!
One More Birthday Season Down
A blog post definitely inspired by @shellsharks about some Writing Mannerisms that are part of the writing style in my website! Because why not? This is day 31 of #100DaysToOffload
Hey! I decided to do some #blogging about #gaming again, this time I talk about the #videogames I want to revisit again, I kinda think I already wrote about this, but well, this is newer!
This is day 31 of #100DaysToOffload
A wild post appeared!
Found the NAS, and moving day.
What I read in February 2025
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A portrait of a chicken
A wild post appeared!
Hey, it's a long weekend
A wild post appeared!
Hey, it's a long weekend
La publicité sur Internet est un fléau. Je fais ce que je peux à mon niveau :)
A wild post appeared!
Late long mid-week update
Blogs and audience: the reason why I #blog, or why I joined the #Fediverse.
It's for the communities, and the great people I've met here
#100DaysToOffload : 030/100 #blogging #mastodon #writing
Here are my #weeknotes for week 7 of 2025! Lots of #gaming was done this time, not enough reading, welp. This is day 20 of #100DaysToOffload
A wild post appeared!
This is just a test post on the blog.
A wild post appeared!
New phone setup day
#Gaming on my laptop has been quite fun lately.
This is day 19 of #100DaysToOffload
New #blog post: Responding to @thelinuxcast's Vitriolic Diatribe (humor)
1484 words
cc: my wonderful #chorus: @joel @dm @sotolf @thedoctor @pixx @twizzay @orbitalmartian @adamsdesk @krafter @roguefoam @solusspider @clayton
(I will happily add/remove you from the chorus upon request)