Just something I made in GIMP. An edit of a databending of an edit of a photo.
This graffiti art mural has a visually, #dizzying effect. There are thousands of words written all over it. The words are all overlapping each other. It would take so very many hours to decipher them all!
#sacredgeometry #art #meditation #geometry #floweroflife #love #geometricart #psychedelic #psychedelicart #energy #visionaryart #consciousness #spirituality #yoga #nature #digitalart #geometric #mandalaart #artist #sacredgeometryart #trippyart #universe #healing #tripp
This symbol is The Golden Seed of Life. It was discovered by George Leoniak at Knewgeometry. He offers videos, courses and apprenticeships on how to draw sacred geometry. https://knewgeometry.space/
15 dimensional chess #thursdaythoughts #trippyart #fractals #mandelbulb3D