Also, I had an epiphany. Therapy has inherent value even in shitty situations. At the very least, counselling can* grant you an example template of a (one-sided) healthy relationship.
It's unfair to have to wait or pay for it.
Regardless of what factors facilitate that experience, still, knowing what that COULD look like is constructive.
* [ I say "can" because some individuals should not be in mental health professions, others could be if they have better working conditions, and yet more can always have an off day -- or you two just might not mesh as people. It happens. ]
e.g. my therapist can't make my doctor stop being a shit, but knowing they believe me when I say it stresses me out is indispensable.
You need a handler for the spy-craft of existing while mistreated.
Someone must remind you that imagination for restructuring society is boundless.
We CAN meet everyone's needs if and only if we first consider it possible.