Mindful March - Day 20: Focus on what makes you and others happy today #mindful
Mindful March - Day 20: Focus on what makes you and others happy today #mindful
During my most depressive phase I lost all hope in the future and it did something magical that I didn't expect: Without a future there's only this moment and I've been coming to reognise that profoundly. Here is another one such little moment I had the opportunity to collect.
Mindful March - Day 19: Cultivate a feeling of loving-kindness towards others today #mindful
Mindful March - Day 18: Have a "no plans" day and notice how that feels #mindful
Mindful March - Day 17: Look around and spot three things you find unusual or pleasant #mindful
Mindful March - Day 16: Get really absorbed with an interesting or creative activity #mindful
Mindful March - Day 15: Stop. Breathe. Notice. Repeat regularly #mindful
Mindful March - Day 14: Find ways to enjoy any chores or tasks that you do #mindful
Mindful March - Day 13: Pause to just watch the sky or clouds for a few minutes today #mindful
Mindful March - Day 12: Listen deeply to someone and really hear what they are saying #mindful
Mindful March - Day 11: Stay fully present while drinking your cup of tea or coffee #mindful
Mindful March - Day 10: Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face #mindful
Mindful March - Day 9: Take a full breath in and out before you reply to others #mindful
Mindful March - Day 8: Eat mindfully. Appreciate the taste, texture and smell of your food #mindful
Mindful March - Day 7: Take three calm breaths at regular intervals during your day #mindful
Mindful March - Day 6: If you find yourself rushing, make an effort to slow down #mindful
Mindful March - Day 5: Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them #mindful
Mindful March - Day 4: Notice how you speak to yourself and choose to use kind words #mindful