Second thoughts
#blip #blipfoto #gimp #rawtherapee #photography #dogsofmastodon #poodle #caniche #france
The dog having second thoughts about a rabbit hole while on a walk.
Dear #PhotoBubble would it be possible to *curb the hashtags* a little bit please?
For example, skip the hashtags for your hard- and software. It doesn't matter which camera you used, and which software.
That way, someone can post a question without it being drowned out by an endless stream of photos.
What I mean are hashtags such as: #Nikon #Lightroom #Sony #Fuji #Darktable #CaptureOne #Canon #Olympus #RawTherapee #Pixelmator #DxO etc. etc.
Kodachrome keys
#blip #blipefoto #gimp #rawtherapee #photography
A set of red/orange #USB keys imported from #Canon RAW format through a #Kodachrome filter. I'm going to use them to show and install #Linux.
Lightroom: #DarkTable, #RawTherapee
And, at least for me, another good solution/supplement: #digiKam - I just love it!
#Switch to #opensource solutions:
Windows: #Linux
Photoshop: #Gimp 3.0-rc
Illustrator: #Inkscape
PremierePro: #Kdenlive, #Shotcut
Office/Acrobat: #OnlyOffice, #LibreOffice
Maya: #Blender
Media: #VLC
Unity: #Godot
ToonBoom: #SynfigStudio, #Pencil2D
InDesign: #Scribus
Nuke: #Natron
Procreate: #Krita
After Effects: #Friction
Mathematica: #SageMath, #SymPy
MatLab: #GnuOctave
Audition: #Audacity
Autocad: #FreeCAD, #QCad
Ableton: #Ardour, #LMMS (daily build)
Lightroom: #DarkTable, #RawTherapee