Italian born and raised, nonno (=grandpa), married to a kind man, raising our grandchildren together. I believe that cooking at home is key to a better life and that being kind to everyone regardless of their provenience and provenance is key to a better world. Love first.
Because of a hidden disability, pain and fatigue are part of my days and part of what I am. I had many surgeries and there will be more. Each day I wake up and wonder, what will I manage to do today? If I do not do something or I cancel a meeting at the last minute it is not because "I do not care" but it is because I have to dose my active time carefully and the little ones have priority.
Cooking is my meditation time. I tell the little ones that cooking is magical and they named me the Emperor of the Kitchen. I enjoy seeing them learning how to make easier dishes for now, and rejoice when they ask questions about how to make a meal healthy while eating everything.
If you want, join me in this magical kitchen adventure and please, remember, no hate, and #smilealways
#introduction #introductionpost #reintroduction #bedifferentbeyou #beyourselfalways #nostresszone