Hey People. I bought a new cell phone and I want to install #PixelDroid, so I need to download #fdroid.
Does anyone have the link for the APK?
Hey People. I bought a new cell phone and I want to install #PixelDroid, so I need to download #fdroid.
Does anyone have the link for the APK?
Myślę, że to dziwne, że twórcy #Pixelfed, powstającego w kontrze do korporacyjnych social mediów, zupełnie ignorują użytkowników, którzy chcieliby zainstalować ich aplikację bez korzystania ze sklepu Google.
Apki Pixelfeda ciągle nie ma w głównym repozytorium F-Droid, a ich własne repo ostatni raz było zaktualizowane 2 października.
Na szczęście są #PixelDroid i #Pixelix.
I can recommend #Pixeldroid
The #Pixelfed #App is 160MB and doesn't even have a #darkmode! It also has an iOS style which is odd.
Pixeldroid is 20MB (!), has a native #Android style and an darkmode among other nice features like a tour through the app or a scrollable image list.
@ajsadauskas I use #Pixelix. I’m not a heavy user. I can’t remember why I stopped using #Pixeldroid (I have a vague recollection that it wouldn’t reinstall on my phone) but that too was less problematic in use than the official app which had some longstanding bugs that didn’t appear to be being addressed.
@ajsadauskas@social.vivaldi.net Hello, yes I am a #PixelDroid user and have been for more than 2-3 years.
Apart from a couple of dropouts, it runs very reliably for me
Trying to use #pixeldroid and there are issues...
I'll start with sign in: big image puts the instance dialogue inside the keyboard.
og så spørsmål nr. 2: hvilken app burde jeg gå for? Den ofisielle er desverre bare på Googles PlayStore, på #FDroid finner jeg bare #PixelDroid. Er det noen ulempe ved å bruke den andre?
@dansup what's wrong with #PixelDroid ?
I'm going to say it. The UI for #Pixeldroid is super frikkin confusing and needs work. Which is description and which is alt text, people? Make it clear. Make it simple. I'd use the pixelfed a lot more if we had a really decent standalone android client. #Pixelfed
Uso PixelDroid (@PixelDroid) para Android para ver PixelFed (@pixelfed) e sempre me dá erros e falhos... Alguém mais com o mesmo problema ou é só coisa minha?
users: have you tried @PixelDroid yet?
PixelDroid is an android app with first class Pixelfed support.
We recommend you give it a try, the devs are working on Post Edit and Story support too!