Florida in Black And White...A walk through the Myakka State Park had some real beauty...
Florida in Black And White...A walk through the Myakka State Park had some real beauty...
On ice I
Every year I wonder if spring will really come or if nature will remain frozen, in an in-between state.
#ThickTrunkTuesday #ScottishBorders #Sunset #Photography #Trees
A farmland #Oak stands proudly on the hill; it's twisty stem and lop-sided, depleted crown speak of lifetimes of challenging experience overcome
Anyone have any leads on a retailer of acorn flour in Canada? Like, we have so many oak trees, and I know it was a traditional ingredient for people here. It seems kinda bonkers that the only non-American retailer that I can find is Turkish.
#acorn #AcornFlour #TraditionalFoods #flour #glutenfreeFlour #baking
#oakTrees #oak #trees #HelpMeFindThis
From the trail to Lyons Ranch in Redwood National and State Parks yesterday. Learn more at https://www.nps.gov/redw/index.htm and https://www.nps.gov/redw/learn/park-facts.htm and https://www.nps.gov/places/lyonsranch.htm and #nps #nationalparks #photography #publiclands #history #interpretation #forest #trees #oak #prescribedfire #landscapephotography Image credit Kurt Angersbach / Westernlabs #california #geology #clouds
Hey kid, what's your name? Yeah... right.
Why don't you uh... go and throw balls as many dangerous types of animal as you can.
Don't come back until you've uh... made friends with all of them.
Mighta run this pic before but i'm still struggling to figure out how you'd photo giant ancient oaks... this is a new edit
This is from 2014, still makes me miss summer every time I look at it.
the strength of an oak
unseen pains, branches entwine
the ice is thawing
#BlueSkyRelay - #growingpains
#vss365 - #oak
#VssPoem - #entwine
#DailyHaikuPrompt - thaw
#WritingCommunity #poetry #haiku
#KBFPhotography #DSLR #Nikon #Photography
#FotoVorschlag - 'Im Verborgenen - Hidden'
Bradstone Manor Devon
Beautiful studded oak porch door with latch and knocker. Excellent scarf repairs to the bottom of the door where it must have rotted from damp, adding to the charm.
Nights of the round table.
#furniture #oak #table #canada #handmade
One of many remarkable ancient oaks at Lochwood, Dumfriesshire for #ThickTrunkTuesday
Lochwood is one of only three known surviving #medieval #oak woodlands in #Scotland. All three are in medieval parks. It provides crucial data back to the 1500s for dendro-dating & climate studies.
Oak leaf carved in boxwood/ Feuille de chêne sculptée dans du buis
Strange, how one tree can look completely different from another angle.