@waldoj well, all #Printers are shit.
- Espechally #Inkjet.
Time for the #Community to #OpenSource a #Printer already.
- After all #3Dpribters do got #OpenSourced, so why nit #2D?
@waldoj well, all #Printers are shit.
Time for the #Community to #OpenSource a #Printer already.
Full Color 3D Printing With PolyDye and Existing Inkjet Cartridges - The PolyDye system installed on an Elegoo Neptune 2 printer. (Credit: Teaching Tec... - https://hackaday.com/2024/12/28/full-color-3d-printing-with-polydye-and-existing-inkjet-cartridges/ #multicolor3dprinting #3dprinterhacks #polydye #inkjet
@yaya Ich hab' Leuten mal wieder erklärt warum deren #Inkjet-#Elejtroschrott shice ist!
@letmeshowyou #Toner is cheaper and better regardless of what print volume you want.
Like seriously, I'm not a prophet, but a #Linux #Sysadmin but when I tell people "#Inkjet #printers are a scam!" it's fucking grounded in reality.
Same goes for a shitty #OfficeJet #MFP who's sole purpose is to to be a #Scanner...
So yeah, espechally for #Printing, just get yourself a #refurbished #Xerox #WorkCentre or something cuz #Toner can't dry out and it'll be cheaper no matter if you print one page per year or 1.000 in a single day!
@rq @nixCraft all #Inkjet is trash and the only reason my #DeskJet6122 is still there is because that fucker refuses to die!
@radkolumne meine Drucker funktionieren!
@georgetakei replaces Shitty #Inkjet with quality #Laser Multifunction Unit
"Too easy!"
@sjvn if you have an #Inkjet: Just don't buy one and get a proper #Laser printer!!
Oof, my inkjet color printer is out of ink and new cartridges cost more than a BW laser printer.
In the past I've bought off-brand cartridges, but it's hit or miss if they'll work. Anybody have a reliable off-brand recommendation for HP 952/956 cartridges? #inkjet
A lesson continues.
Recommend, never artificially Require
Again and not to belabor the point, BRO.
Replace the word Printer with the word Pen and come at me with that nonsense again.
The IP you "build in the inks" is presumably not built into the unlicensed cartridge's inks.
Else you'd have won a patent infringement and shut them down legally, instead of artificially through technological artifice.
All the while lying to your customers and denying them the usage of their property
Do you know that #HP “Instant Ink” subscription that tries to get you to treat pages like limited cell phone minutes while locking you into their #DRM #inkjet cartridges that only work if the #printer can phone home over the Internet?
They just jacked up the fees: https://apple.news/A_XWSL43KS8GrAv--nAOE4Q
Like @nilaypatel said, just buy this #Brother laser printer. It'll be fine: https://www.theverge.com/23642073/best-printer-2023-brother-laser-wi-fi-its-fine
Hackaday Links: May 28, 2023 - The Great Automotive AM Radio War of 2023 rages on, with the news this week that F... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/28/hackaday-links-may-28-2023/ #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #calculator #shipwreck #firmware #amradio #bricked #titanic #slider #3dscan #borked #hp-15c #inkjet #ford #rpn #ev #hp
Returned to my #inkjet refilling task from before lunch.
With a brief tweak all the colours are in play again, and test prints are good.
The cartridges on this newish printer (Canon) are happier with refill hole left open, it appears.
Anyway that's done and my hands have fewer ink stains than usual. :)