How a Nephew's CD Burner Inspired Early Valve To Embrace DRM - Valve's early anti-piracy efforts, which eventually led to the Steam platform, wer... - #drm
How a Nephew's CD Burner Inspired Early Valve To Embrace DRM - Valve's early anti-piracy efforts, which eventually led to the Steam platform, wer... - #drm
When we're as surrounded by streaming platforms as we are now, it's easy to forget that the DRM-free life still exists. Even now, there are dozens of record labels, publishers, and online retailers that refuse to abuse their customers. Learn about them in the Guide: #EndDRM #DRM
When we're as surrounded by streaming platforms as we are now, it's easy to forget that the DRM-free life still exists. Even now, there are dozens of record labels, publishers, and online retailers that refuse to abuse their customers. Learn about them in the Guide: #EndDRM #DRM
Over the weekend, I received some vaguely threatening emails from someone who wanted to stop me from publishing my research into Readium's LCP DRM.
I've published both my findings *and* the emotionally manipulative messages they sent.
When we're as surrounded by streaming platforms as we are now, it's easy to forget that the DRM-free life still exists. Even now, there are dozens of record labels, publishers, and online retailers that refuse to abuse their customers. Learn about them in the Guide: #EndDRM #DRM
blog! “Extracting content from an LCP "protected" ePub”
As Cory Doctorow once said "Any time that someone puts a lock on something that belongs to you but won't give you the key, that lock's not there for you."
But here's the thing with the LCP DRM scheme; they do give you the key! As I've written about previously, LCP mostly relies on the user…
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#debugging #drm #ebooks #epub
"While books that come on audio CDs don't have DRM embedded in them, files downloaded from Audible or other for-pay sources often do. Audiobookshelf won't play books with DRM, which means you need a method of stripping that DRM out.
Unfortunately, here's where we run into a problem: removing DRM from your audiobooks is not universally legal. "In the US, the law against 'circumventing' effective DRM has no personal-use exemption. In Europe, it varies by country," explained the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Competition and IP Litigation Director Mitch Stoltz when Ars reached out for advice. "That's as silly as it sounds—stripping DRM from one’s own copy of an audiobook in order to listen to it privately through different software doesn’t threaten the author or publisher, except that it makes it harder for them to charge you twice for the same audiobook. It’s another example of how anti-circumvention laws interfere with consumers’ rights of ownership over the things they buy."
And that means you're kind of on your own for this step. Should you live in a jurisdiction where DRM removal from audiobooks for personal use is legal—which includes some but not all European countries—then sites like this one can assist in the process; for the rest of us, the only advice I can give is to simply proceed in a legal manner and use DRM-free audiobooks to start with."
#DRM isn't just an annoyance -- it's a violation of your right to use the items you own as you see fit. Learn more about our Defective by Design campaign at, and follow our campaign account at @endDRM
blog! “Some thoughts on LCP eBook DRM”
There's a new(ish) DRM scheme in town! LCP is Readium's "Licensed Content Protection".
At the risk of sounding like an utter corporate stooge, I think it is a relatively inoffensive and technically interesting DRM scheme. Primarily because, once you've downloaded your DRM-infected book, you don't need to rely on an online server to unlock…
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#drm #ebook #ereader
I wish I could tell #YouTube creators that YouTube will make it that much harder to watch videos, and they will lose audiences as a result, as this DRM experiment ramps up. #Video #DRM
Some reports of YouTube experimenting with forced DRM on videos (even CC-licensed), preventing downloading and ad blocking.
Friends, please upload to PeerTube.
"But think about the artists!" is a favorite refrain of so-called "intellectual property" enthusiasts (aka corporations.) Hear from one #DefectiveByDesign (DBD) guest writer and musician about how #DRM totally cramped his style: #EndDRM #Music
Atsakant į muitus (kuriuos Trumpas tai įveda, tai atšaukia, tai vėl įveda), Europa ir Kanada galėtų smogti Amerikos techno-oligarchams į minkštą vietą.
(Remiuosi @pluralistic idėja)
Hackaday Links: March 9, 2025 - It’s been a busy week in space news, and very little of it was good. We’ll start w... - #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #righttorepair #blueghost #bricking #firmware #starship #brother #firefly #printer #saturnv #slider #legday #spacex #warner #moom #nasa #drm #dvd #rud
A fruitless day looking at #LCP reverse engineering. There are a couple of Android and Linux apps which look hopeful.
Can be decompiled trivially to get the necessary blobs.
But, sadly, my skills don't extend to much more than a surface level analysis.
That said, it looks like the Readium #DRM is reasonably inoffensive. Once you have the file you can back it up and move it anywhere - you just need the password to open it. No network connection needed.
Bah! I can't find any #OpenSource book reading software that works with the LCP encryption standard
Any clues, friends?
(Before replying, please assume I've clicked on the first result that you Googled.)