Hello and #Welcome, @havremustasch!
Good morning, @runningoffb! #Welcome
Välkomna alla nytillkomna!
Snabbguide till Mastodon:
Hem = Ditt personliga flöde, du fyller det genom att följa personer och hashtaggar
Utforska = Trendande inlägg från hela fediversumet inkl BluSky
Direktflöden - Denna server = Inlägg från din lokala server
Direktflöden - Andra servrar = Inlägg från andra servrar
Direktflöden - Allt = Pipeline som visar ALLA publika inlägg som din server känner till
Hello and #Welcome, @Kamille_PL!
un benvenuto a @radiopirata38
che si unisce alla comunita' social autogestita su cisti.org !
Qui un po' di info su mastodon
Hello! And a very warm #Welcome to the #Fediverse! I am sure you already know @Paulatics.
So glad to see you here. May I introduce you to @GottaLaff who, iirc, is one of your constituents?
Stoked to see an #MP from #BC on #fedi. And pinging @chad, too.
If you’ve been “trying to learn Hebrew” you will enjoy today’s email lesson!
Welcome to all of the new email list members. Today at noon (e.s.t.) the exclusive lesson will arrive to your inbox. I’m looking forward to read your feedback on it!