Lara Trump and a man who cosplays as a financial expert on TV named Kevin O’Leary showed up at the world’s only bitcoin bar to shill crypto to retail suckers
Lara Trump and a man who cosplays as a financial expert on TV named Kevin O’Leary showed up at the world’s only bitcoin bar to shill crypto to retail suckers
RNC Chair Lara Trump says abortion bans are a "niche" issue
#Politics #USPolitics #GOP #Republicans #Abortion #AbortionRights #LaraTrump
Fox News’ hiring of Lara Trump is almost comically corrupt
Fox News hires Lara Trump to host weekend show
#Duhsantis #desantissucks #desantis #laratrump #trump
Looks like Duh Santis said no to Trump
“Popular conservative influencer Cryptid Politics, a pro-DeSantis account, said DeSantis "likely indicated he was not going to pick Lara. DJT recently indicated as such. RDS might have told them who he will be picking."
The account added that "this 'withdrawal' was announced to save face for all parties."
Lara Trump wants to be a senator so bad she quit the RNC
#LaraTrump as a #Florida #Senator.
The epitome of ridiculousness.
Or does that designation belong to #MattGaetz as possible AG?
*shaking my head*
The Senate … the f’ing Senate!
“Calls from Republicans are intensifying for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) to pick President-elect Trump’s daughter-in-law #LaraTrump to replace his secretary of State pick, Marco Rubio, in the Senate. “
>> Maybe but #ElonMusk was in the family photo on election night standing right next to #LaraTrump. Right now there's nothing to suggest they're in conflict at all.
Daddy #Trump has one foot in the grave.
Palace intrigue is going to be glorious! Don't rule out The #Javanka as well as "The Best Is Yet To Come" #Guilfoyle
@Tengrain doesn’t he also have the backing of mega superstar singer #laratrump ?
@georgetakei funny, i laugh at Miss Lara #laratrump too! She’s the face of the campaign, and boy what a face must be under all the plastic
Lara Trump: They wouldn’t play my song on the radio because it was too “political.” NO--IT'S BECAUSE YOU SUCK ASS!
Lara Trump Flips Out Because No Radio Stations Will Play Her Dumb Country Rip-Off Tom Petty Song
Let’s hope so
Quote of the Day
“This is no longer a fight between #Republicans versus #Democrats, left versus right.
It’s good versus evil. And good is going to win.”
— #RNC co-chair #LaraTrump, at a rally in Pennsylvania Quote of the Day
#LaraTrump went on CNN and blatantly lied about #hurricane relief. Time for networks to END THE INTERVIEW if they keep lying even after being corrected.
#NOEMpathy with #Noem
Wannabe #MAGA Queen, the #xenophobic #homophobic #dogKiller governor of #SouthDakota, #KristiNoem went through a sartorial & cosmetic transformation to become a doppelgänger for a cross between #LaraTrump & Kimberley #Guilfoyle with a procedure that "fixed" Noem's smile
Reminiscing about dog killing & lying about meeting #KimJongUn, is she now rekindling an extramarital affair with longtime #Trump aide Corey #Lewandowski on campaign trail?
#LaraTrump Says #FatherInLaw Was Just '#Joking Around' With #Racist #Attacks on #VicePresident #KamalaHarris
#NBCNews' #KristenWelker asked Lara Trump if the former president's #language "best #represents" #him and the #RepublicanParty.
Via #LindyLi @ 2:57am on Sept17, 2024
#Migrants don’t eat #dogs but you know who does?!
#Noem shot a puppy in cold blood
#LaraTrump stole $2 million from pups
#Santos stole from a #homeless vet’s dying dog
#Cruz abandoned his dog amid a storm
#Trump hates dogs
NEVER trust anyone who abuses dogs
Via #RawStory @ 1:18pm EDT on Sept 15, 2024
#RepublicanNationalCommittee (#RNC) co-chair #LaraTrump deflected Sunday after #Fox News host #HowardKurtz asked if she accepted the fact that former President #DonaldTrump was wrong about #Haitians eating #pets in #Springfield, #Ohio.
"Well, it's not up to me to decide that," Lara Trump said, deflecting the question. "This information came directly from the people of Springfield."
Here's the incredible Lara Trump -- co-chair of the Trump reelection committee -- singing "My Hero," without benefit of Autotune and with a chorus of goats.
#LaraTrump, #Autotune, #USPolitics, #Election2024, #MyHero, #TuckersBalls