Lara Trump and a man who cosplays as a financial expert on TV named Kevin O’Leary showed up at the world’s only bitcoin bar to shill crypto to retail suckers
Lara Trump and a man who cosplays as a financial expert on TV named Kevin O’Leary showed up at the world’s only bitcoin bar to shill crypto to retail suckers
@larryneufeld #KevinOLeary aka #AdolfMuskWannabe aka #MrWonderful is a bootlicking, a**kissing egomaniac. Much like #JordanPeterson, BFF and mentor to #PierrePoilievre, a psychologist who believes himself to be the embodiment of #Freud but is a pathetic disgrace to his profession. These 2 losers accompanied #ABDanielleSmith to her Mar-a-Lago schmooze-fest with convicted rapist and felon, trump. They have no authority to speak for Canada and should be censured.
@mrbadger42 Let’s ask #ABDanielleSmith and #AdolfMusk wannabe #MrWonderful himself #KevinOLeary as well as disgraced psychologist and #PierrePoilievre BFF #JordanPeterson. Here they are at Mar-a-Lago, schmoozing and kowtowing to a convicted rapist, and president of the US.
"Too Close for Comfort" is a #popular #song by #JerryBock, #GeorgeDavidWeiss, and #LarryHolofcener. It was written in 1956 as part of the score for the #Broadway #musical #MrWonderful starring #SammyDavisJr, who released the song as a single on March 3, 1956 on #DeccaRecords prior to the musical's premiere. Several other pop vocalists, such as #EileenBarton, also recorded their own competing versions around this time, as well as other songs from the musical.