Whoever controls #production, & the #surplus we produce, determines the shape & direction of our #civilization. If we do not have #democratic control over our production & surplus then we can hardly say we live in a #democracy.
Whoever controls #production, & the #surplus we produce, determines the shape & direction of our #civilization. If we do not have #democratic control over our production & surplus then we can hardly say we live in a #democracy.
If the idea is that all people should have an #equal say in the direction of #production, then what we need is #economic democracy. Economic #democracy- at the level of #private firms, #public services, & #finance - would enable us to direct production in more socially beneficial ways.
On the contrary, #production under #capitalism is strikingly undemocratic. It is controlled overwhelmingly by the few who hold most of the power over #finance, #wealth, #capital & investible #assets: the large #financial firms, the #commercial #banks, the #monopoly #corporations, & the 1%.
Bizarrely, some claim that this feature of #capitalism is a "strength", because the direction of #production becomes the sum of individuals' desires.
But this is clearly false. Capitalism does *not* enable all people to have an #equal say in the direction of production.
What's striking about #capitalist civilization is that it has no real direction. There's no vision for social #progress, no commitment to improving #human #welfare or #ecology. All we get is the #chaos of #profit-oriented #production & #accumulation as the world burns around us.
Indeed, #billionaires are only a tiny fraction, maybe 0.0001%, of the #capitalist class. #Occupy was right, it really is the top 2% (& their supporters) who are the problem.
The " #billionaire class" does not exist. #Capitalists are the problem. Most of the country's capitalists, & the #wealthy #corrupt #politicians who pander to them, are not billionaires.
Pretend opposition to the " #billionaire class" by #liberals like #BernieSanders & #AOC is an intentional diversion of #workingclass energy & #classstruggle away from the real problem, which is #capitalism & the broader #capitalist class as a whole.
#AOC is a perfect example of how easy it is to say the right thing when you don't have to follow through with anything you propose or claim to stand for.
#AOC is such a champion of the people that even #Dem adjacent #DSA went to the trouble & public humiliation of un-endorsing her!
What a fighter!
Weird how someone that claims to oppose #oligarchs sure likes hanging out with them at their own events!
Here's your champion against the #oligarchy. Couldn't even take a principled stand against #genocide. #BernieSanders still won't acknowledge that what's happening in #Gaza actually is a #genocide.
Over 30,000 people in #Denver showed up to a rally spearheaded by 2 #democratic #socialists, but both parties will keep pretending that #Americans aren't hungry for a real change.
Democratic Senator #RubenGallego (#Arizona) did a $5,000 a plate dinner with broligarch /Nerd Reich billionaire #MarcAndreessen and Matt Yglesias at the same time as #AOC and #BernieSanders were doing their recent rally in #Tucson.
The US Congress has been captured by the industry on both sides, not just the Republicans. Gallego was one of the largest recipients of the money laundering industry's - sorry, i mean "the crypto industry's" - financial support in the 2024 election. He's a disaster for the country.
It's utterly crazy to me that any people anywhere haven't caught on to the fact that the #Republican Party is pure, concentrated evil, & the #Democratic Party enables them.
Public #schools in #America don't give you an #education. They force feed #Americanexceptionalism #propaganda down our throats.
The entire structure of #christian #american #fascist #authoritarianism is just familial abuse structures done at a nationwide scale. Read wild #faith.
Next time the #democrats talk about their friends across the aisle remember that they're talking about going to the #gym with people who think they should have the #right to impregnate 13 year old's & force them to carry to term.
They also are in favor of forcing #children who need #abortions to get permission from the people who are statistically very likely to be their #rapists, & #democrats are happy to play into their hands by framing #abortion as an issue that only effects adult #cisgender #women.