Wer bei solcher Solarleistung, selbst unserer Mini-Anlage nicht in Verzückung gerät, muss ein Petrolhead sein. Im März praktisch kein Tag in den letzten Tagen, an dem die Batterie nicht geladen war und zur Autoarkie beigetragen hat. So macht Energiewende Spaß. Die Anlage der Größe kriegst du mittlerweile für 4 stellige Beträge. Die grüne Linie ist die Batterieladung.
Does it matter to you whether or not your mobile network provider pays its fair share of taxes?
@rahmstorf weiters bedeuten #Erneuerbare Energiequellen auch ganz konkret reduzierte Abhängigkeit (und Erpressbarkeit) und eine stärkere #Resilienz bei Angriffen. Deshalb müss(t)en #EE eigentlich auch integraler Bestandteil wirksamer #Verteidigungsmaßnahmen sein! Niemand weiß das besser, als die Ukraine, die seit der russischen Invasion ihre Klimaschutzbemühungen sogar noch intensiviert hat.
"“Durante décadas, un objetivo central de la Unión Soviética fue “desvincular” a Estados Unidos de Europa. El desacoplamiento… rompería la alianza occidental que impedía que los tanques soviéticos cruzaran las llanuras prusianas.
Ahora, en cuestión de semanas, Trump le ha dado a Moscú el regalo que se le escapó durante la Guerra Fría y desde entonces… Estados Unidos, una nación cuya idea central es la libertad y cuyo llamado central ha sido la defensa de la democracia contra la tiranía, se ha vuelto contra su aliado y, en cambio, ha abrazado a un autócrata brutal”. #UE #EE.UU. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/08/world/europe/a-europe-in-emotional-shock-grapples-with-a-new-era.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare"
Friedrich #Merz hat bei seiner Rede in München (die mit den Tassen, Ihr wisst schon) angekündigt, "endlich" Politik für die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung zu machen.
ich freue mich auch ein #Tempolimit #AFDVerbotsantrag, rasanten Ausbau der #EE, #Deutschlandticket #Mietpreisbremse und vieles mehr!
Danke Friedrich!
#Digital Voice switchover cut off 95-year-old's landline
My 95-year-old friend is in distress. His #landline has stopped working & he’s told by his provider #EE that he may need to accept a new phone number to get his service back
He lives alone & relies on his phone for human contact
It will be a challenge for him to let people know his new number and he risks being cut off from #medical #communications
We haven't had much interest, perhaps because of too few hashtags.
Any EE looking to move to Vancouver, BC, for some short term work that could become long term?
@coupleOfHires @hacks4pancakes @transworldexpress You are not using any hashtags. I understand that the common advice on Mastodon is to use lots of hashtags. Then, to add more hashtags. Like #job #jobs #relocation #relocate #expatriots #apply #gig #Python #ROS #ElectricalEngineering #EE #software #hardware #soldering #electronics #sensors #startup #production #CV you get the drift. :-) #HTH
Those of you who make PCBs in the EU, what surface finish do you use?
Please boost for reach, if you don't mind...
I was in a gastropub for a works Christmas meal on Friday. In spite of being in 5G LTE area, #mobile #Internet was heavily lagged and barely anything worked. Network Cell info showed device hunting between 800 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz. I didn't have my RF Explorer with me (or I would have been highly tempted to scan the airwaves!) but either #EE / #BT cannot handle the traffic in that area, or Christmas tree lights in the pub are chucking out wideband RF #interference (both are possible!) >>
https://www.eucup.com/836045/ Cole Palmer England Player Of The Year #EE #england #EnglandFootball #EnglandNationalFootballTeam #football #video #vlog #YouTube
https://www.eucup.com/755477/ ¡YUNUS MUSAH EN AON! #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #Barcelona #EE.UU. #EstadosUnidos #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #futbol #InterDeMilan #italy #Mexico #Milan #musah #Napoli #Pulisic #RealMadrid #SerieA #Soccer #UnitedStates #USA #usmnt #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030 #YunusMusah
Die #CDU verhindert im extrem dünnbesiedelten MV gemeinsam mit der "Heimat" (#NPD) und #NoAfD einen Solarpark.
Die Koalition der Ewiggestrigen steht gemeinsam gegen den Fortschritt.
#EE #Electrical #engineering folks: is it actually dangerous to be in a suburban swimming pool when there’s lightning?
Like, I get the danger of being on a flat lake; but in a pool surrounded by lamp posts and support buildings?
I can’t think of many better grounds than the actual ground. Seems like standing on the deck is a much higher risk.
So: is this an irrational fear? Or is it a real danger? (References, too, please.)
So.. my Dad took several courses from legendary Dr. Bose at MIT (class of '68) Episode 1.
In which, Dr. Bose had instructed his students that he heard it was customary when someone made a joke to make a hissing sound. And that he found that a "very ugly sound", and would prefer that his students "not do that". He repeated this message on several occasions.
A few weeks later, he began dropping "awful puns" in his lectures. (I love this part. What a devious bastard)
So, one kid made a hissing sound. (not my Dad, he had oodles of respect for Bose and his puns)
* silence *
He asked once more...
* silence *
With that, Dr. Bose turned on his heel, walked out of the room. He flung the chalk over his shoulder on the way out, and it landed in the chalk tray. The class was speechless.
Dr. Bose continued to lecture at MIT until the 1990s.
RIP Dr. Bose. You absolute legend.
Submitting a PCB to a fab house is a bit anxiety producing for me.
The extent of my EE training has been to work exercises in a few textbooks and watch a few KiCAD tutorials so I'm not confident in my designs.
Regardless, today I sweated through the process and now the VT100 keyboard PCB and the blinkenlights daughterboard are in the hands of a production engineer for review.
#retrocomputing #miniatures #kicad #ee #anxiety #vt100