@arturo182 @kicad That's nice but why didn't they chose CC-BY if they don't want to have share-alike provisions?
Maybe they just don't want others to paywall their files?
Either way it's a good thing:
Same applies even more for #PCB #assembly services:
And that's how #OpenAccess and #PermissiveLicensing are even beneficial in #commercial settings!
Hey all! I'm due for an (re-)introduction: I'm Jack, an engineer in the NYC area from a firmware & cybersecurity background, currently working in something like hardware-software co-design.
Technical work is often with #rust #kicad #python #verilog #c, and in all-too-rare moments stuff like #haskell #forth #agda and #prolog
I've never been much for social media, usually preferring to keep interests local: a better-detailed #introduction to follow as I figure this out
Meow! I just ordered my first self designed PCB It's a really simple board that is meant to carry 16 mechanical switches and an arduino. I want to use it as a makro pad.
Designing and ordering a self designed PCB is something I wanted to do for quite some time now, so I'm really looking forward to assembling this and sure hope everything will work
Liking the new #KiCAD scripted render - allows me to update all images from a Makefile - very neat.
Would be a great feature if I can tell it an alternative edge-cut (a user layer), as then I can have a "snapped out" edge cut to use for render.
But even so, very cool.
Update: I have made a tool to clean up the PCB and change the edge cuts to alternative, and then use gimp to auto crop.
I continue to resent the fact that I can’t use LaTeX math in my #kicad notes.