Hmmm the pretty fungus is Favolaschia claudopus, an invasive species. #wellington #regeneration #rewilding
Spend a couple of hours clearing some blackberry from Mount Albert/Melrose park near our regeneration site this morning. Found these pretty bright orange fungi. #wellington #regeneration #rewilding
That very #wellington moment, when you realise you have opened a front door and a back door, and you now have a 'through draft'.
@queenoliviastr’s The Cat Operator’s Manual set to be the hit #book of the season #humour #author #publishing #ChronicleBooks #CuddleUnit5 #boken #livre #launch #QueenOliviaIII #Wellington #NZ #Aotearoa #WhanganuiaTara #UnityBooks #bookstodon
Unsanitary Napkin – All Billionaires Are Bastards
#ACAB #FUCKBILLIONAIRES #Punk #STANDUPFORTRANSRIGHTS #anarchohardcore #anarchopunk #feministpunk #garagepunk #hardcorepunk #Wellington
CC BY-NC-SA (#CreativeCommons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike) #ccmusic
They're back!
If you're in Wellington (Aotearoa) area this week please come to this show during Fringe festival!
Neurodiversatile! This group of young, neurodiverse artists and their friends will inspire you with their musical fearlessness and versatility.
_The Evening Post_, 5 March 1925:
The Assembly Hall, in the Red Cross Chambers, was well filled when the #gramophone recital given by Mr. Ryan, in aid of the funds of the Junior Red Cross, was held. The programme contained items of special interest to music lovers. At the conclusion of the recital verbal and written suggestions were handed m regarding several special items which will be included in future programmes. The next recital will be held on 17th March next. During the evening Miss Wilkinson had control of the instrument, which is electrical, and which was kindly lent by Mr. Ernest Dawson for the occasion.
_The Evening Post_, 2 March 1925:
Mrs. #Dore, better known among enthusiasts as the “Mother of Wireless,” has severed her connection with 2YK #Broadcasting Station, with which she has been associated for some months in an honorary capacity. She has been responsible for many of the excellent concerts arranged for the listener-in, for which she has earned the lasting thanks of those who own wireless sets. Mrs. Dore is not leaving Wellington, but is merely giving up her voluntary work at 2YK.
2YK became 2YA in June 2027 continuing to 1978
Hey Pōneke friends, where I can I get a modern pride pin in #Wellington ?
"Always vote Conservative" voters who want good health care .
#Owen Sound
#Parry Sound
I got rid of my Kindle not knowing I'd need to still have it registered in order to download my ebooks
anyone in #Wellington have own I can borrow tomorrow so I can download my books? the deadline is the 26th, which means I've got tomorrow left to do it
#Owen Sound
#Parry Sound
"We tell country people made up shit about the other parties , the suckers fall for it and vote us in.Then we give our rich friends their healthcare money."
#Owen Sound
#Parry Sound
I find this bus site much better than Metlink. Light and clear. Unlike the weather. #Wellington #NZ
Each time a pedestrian crossing is made a little different it adds to the sense of the place.
Each Māori stop/go, each rainbow, each Katherine Mansfield becomes a part of the greater quirkyness and a sense what it is to 'be Wellington'.
More please
#Owen Sound
#Parry Sound