Playing our first game of #KillTeam. I’m playing Blades of Khaine and my partner is playing Hand of Archon. Three hours in and about halfway done. #warhammer40k
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #KillTeam
Roman helmet on this Inquisitor. Yay or nay? Fits the scale I think
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #KillTeam
WIP of first Inquisitor. This is basically just a weapon and headswap of the Stormcast Lord Veritant. The whole mini just screamed witch hunter to me.
Next Kill Team project. Using some storm cast eternals to make Inquisitors. Possibly using the Kill Team Warp Coven rules, idk
Thinking about my next #TrashBash bit of scatter #terrain for #Stargrave or #40K. Currently it's just a series of stacked caps. Spray paint cap as the base, pill bottle cap, milk screw cap(?), topped with a hero clix base. Next to it is a blue pipe with a T intersection into the spray cap that looks kinda like a chimney. It'll need more texturing, but I think this will work
Working on another #TrashBash bit of scatter #terrain for #Stargrave or #40K.
Re-#introduction now I’m a Dice.Camper!
I’m a relapsed #Miniatures #Hobbyist who’s gone from hating #Painting to absolutely loving it.
Mostly tooting about #Warhammer, #TheOldWorld, #Mordheim, and #KillTeam.
I boost lots of #hobby stuff (taps Alt text boiler plate caveat in the bio) and generally love a hobby natter.
Also a #DND player. I’m your type-cast chaos -monkey of the group. Walking accidental TPK.
Right, that's the two Plague Marines that I need to make a squad for the new edition of Kill Team ready for painting! The one on the left with the Plague Spewer is actually a conversion I kitbashed but never painted back when the previous 2021 edition of Kill Team came out, and the Malignant Plaguecaster on the right is even older than that: he dates from the Warhammer 40,000: Dark Imperium box that I bought back in 2018 or so.
I don't technically have a WYSIWYG Plague Champion to use as my leader because my Champion that has a plasma pistol has a powerfist instead of a plague sword. I'm going to use the old Noxious Blightbringer model that's also from the Dark Imperium because because he _does_ have a plasma pistol and is holding a bell in his other hand, rather than having a specific weapon that someone might be confused by, plus it's just an AWESOME model and I've never had a chance to use it. He's on a 40mm base rather than 32mm but I can't be bothered trying to rebase him because he's already fully painted, and we just play casually anyway.
Hello neighbors! Intro time.
I'm a wargamer and role playing gamer coming back to both this year after decades away. (With a few unsuccessful attempts along the way to get my kids into RPGs.)
Wargaming: #Battletech in middle school, then #40k in college. Returned through #WarhammerUnderworlds and #OnePageRules to learn I prefer skirmish games, leading me to #WarCry and #KillTeam.
RPGs: started with Basic #DnD, then #BardGames, #Palladium, #WarhammerFRP, #d20. Now enjoying #FateCore.
Last Saturday my teammates in Plasma Spam hosted a #killteam holiday narrative PVE event, Critmas!
"While crossing over Volkus’ city ruins, Santa’s sleigh has been shot down by the planet's anti-air defenses. Scattered across the battlegrounds are the valuable presents that were on their way to the good folks who earned them. But you and your partner care not and are here to plunder these Boons! But it won't be so easy, as Santa has sent out his sweet-elite reconnaissance treats to reclaim the haul. Will you and your teammate be able to snag the big haul this Critmas or suffer at the hands of the baked goods?!"
#Killteam people, in the narrative campaign we are starting there is an item of rare equipment called "mysterious liquid". No description of how it works or what it does. Instead I'm going to ask for suggestions here and we'll roll to randomly pick one if anyone takes the risk to use it. So it's a thing the person does as a strategic gambit at the start of a turning point. So please suggest away. Effects can be good or bad, but nothing game breaking please.
Re-#Intro/pinned post!
I’m a one of those relapsed #Miniatures #Hobbyist who’s gone from hating #Painting to absolutely loving #PaintingMiniatures.
Mostly tooting about #Warhammer, #TheOldWorld, and #KillTeam.
Always keen to share/boost hobby stuff (taps the Alt text boiler plate caveat in the bio). Generally just love a hobby natter.
Mod on the instance and a big advocate for this place.
On Geek Grotto today I talk ALL of the reveals from last week’s Warhammer Day & focus on Dick Spanner P.I. in #ObscureCharacterCorner!
2pm Saturdays on SHMUFM: DAB & 99.8FM in Aberdeen, or ask smart speakers to Play Station House Media Unit
#SciFi #Radio #Warhammer #WarhammerDay #KillTeam #Underworlds #GerryAnderson #DickSpannerPI
Drew this after discussion with local #KillTeam group about Arbites Vs Thousand Sons
#Broodbrothers meet #Chaos, #KillTeamTermination meets #Darktide meets #blackstonefortress
#HiveFleet #KillTeam
#warhammer #warhammer40k #tabletopgaming #warhammer40000 #tyranids #warhammercommunity #miniatures #warhammerpainting #warhammerminiatures #wargaming #new40k #leviathan #gamesworkshop #miniaturewargaming #paintingmodels #miniature #grimdark #warhammer40kpainting #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhamFam
#warhammer40000 #hobby
#miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting
Hello folks, time to jump on the #introduction thing. I'm a robotics engineer in Massachusetts, been in the industry for six-ish years.
Been playing lots of #arkhamhorror and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes board games and TTRPGs. Been into #40k for the last fifteen years, trying to now get into #KillTeam, #boltaction and #gunpla
Just finished #gwitch and looking forward to the next season of #anime, open to recommendations. Started #leverage and out of lettersnow