After I finished off the ghost bear company, I put in a TON of work on base coating and some shading of Getter 3, because three hearts are better as one.
After I finished off the ghost bear company, I put in a TON of work on base coating and some shading of Getter 3, because three hearts are better as one.
Ghost Bear Company, Jade Ghost Wolf Battalion, SLDF Wayward Son, just after fucking off from Nicky's dumbass bullshit.
Not taking full glamour shots, I don't have the fucks to give right now, needed to keep painting for my mental health. That makes one battalion of three done. The next battalion I think will use the Clan Wolverine logos.
Finishing up the ghost wolf battalion. I gave up on some of the prospective ponds in the swampy-ass battlefield and used them as low lying depressions instead. Possibly mech footprints.
The ghost bear and SLDF logos have already been placed, largely on left and right shoulders.
Getter 2, Super Robot Star, SLDF Wayward Son. The inner sphere wasn't researching shit. The clans were iterating on SLDF technology.
The Wayward Sons chose different. They chose Land-Air Mechs. They chose Land-Land Mechs. They chose THREE HEARTS AS ONE!
as I wait over and over again for water effeects to dry so I can get them to the level I want, I'm starting work on my new super robot recruits.
Getter 2, I hope you appreciate the amount of work that has gone into your goddamn massive white sections.
Here's a star from the mercenary company, Wolf's Dragoons. The Dragoons are not my favorite group, but I felt like painting something red, and I had the decals. :)
I added multiple barrels to the Hunchback's main gun to make it a Hunchback C. The rarely use a Hunchback, but the miniature is fun to paint, especially the legs with all those panels. At the other end of the painting spectrum is the Adder. Like most clan mechs of that style, it is very hard to get to the interior, especially the inside of the arms.
Tomorrow I need to ride my bicycle, then I can see about laying down some more ground paste here where holes open up, if necessary, adding basing details, and adding the SLDF logos. Then it'll be matte finish all over and gloss finish with a brush for spots I want shiny.
When the time comes, will the children of Nicholas Kerensky's madness be able to deal with... THE CHODENJI YOYO? CHODENJI TATSUMAKI?! CHODENJI SPIN!
Who's down to take their battlemechs up against the latest recruits to the SLDF Wayward Son?
New instance, new #introduction post!
Hi, my name is Ed! I go by he/him, and as stated on my profile am a huge heckin' nerd. Came over to this neck of the woods after discovering its existence, as it seemed a bit more descriptive of my general vibes than my previous residence.
General interests (ie stuff you'll find me posting about or retooting) include but are not limited to: #FanArt , #miniatures , #paintingMiniatures , #warhammer , #classicGaming , #indieGaming , #linuxGaming , #fightingGames , #fgc , #programming , #selfHosting , #comics , #sciFi
Some new paints arrived! I'm looking forward to giving these a try and trying to paint in the John Blanche style. It's been a long time since I've used The Army Painter paints, but I've heard they have gotten a lot better in recent years.
When I paint sometimes my puppy, Trixie, lays on the back of the couch to be closer to me
Sometimes, she thinks she’s a cat.
#PaintingMiniatures #dogsofmastodon
Some new mechs getting ready to join the SLDF Wayward Son!
#Battletech #AlphaStrike #paintingMinis #miniatures #painting #paintingMiniatures #miniaturePainting #Mazinger
#Getter #CombattlerV #SuperRobotWars #SuperRobotTaisen
Based on the BLR-1Gbc, the prototype Battlemaster BLR-1Gws replaces the command console with drone command capabilities and C3 systems, both cornerstones of the Wayward Sons strategies.
Question was asked on a painting thread this week: Masking fluid sucks, what can you use instead that's reusable and won't ruin paint or be a huge problem to get off?
The answer is Silly Putty, y'all. Easy to get, easy to use, and reusable for quite a while before the paint mixed into it makes it less useful.
Some random mech minis I've painted over the last few months. A couple of them were victims of bad priming which didn't quite seem to completely cure. The Sagittaire is one of those, and the paint cracked as it dried, but it ended up looking pretty interesting, I think.
I'm happy with all of them except the Thug, another of the poor priming victims. I changed directions on it three times and finally gave up... some mechs must have bad paint jobs, right?
The Banshee was a test of the new Vallejo Xpress Color. I like how vibrant it is.
Clans should bow down before the last remnants of the actual SLDF. Fucking losers.
Continued work on the mastodon, need to decide how far to take the runes. #paintingMiniatures #warhammerCommunity #nerdlings #horusHeresy
Soon to be SLDF Wayward Son Battlemaster variant. There's some putty drying in the cavity on the chest to obscure a sculpted logo to be replaced with as large a Star League insignia as I can manage.