Ultramarine Veteran Sergeant with LED effects, painted in March 2023. This miniature is based on classic GW 80s artwork!
Ultramarine Veteran Sergeant with LED effects, painted in March 2023. This miniature is based on classic GW 80s artwork!
On April 1st I will be streaming the 250th episode of The Hobby Hangout! If you have anything (hobby related) you want to share with the audience, drop me a massage, a comment, carrier pigeon. Be that a hobby blog, a facepage group, a sub-reddit, a wiki, a video, a unknown mini maker or a game system: Hit me! But I need those things at the end of March so I have a fighting chance to look at it prior to the stream. See you lot next week! #WarhammerCommunity @warhammercommunity
Gobbo Archers! Classic monopose minis that IMHO still absolutely rock. I could happily paint 60 more. But 8 will suffice for Warhammer Quest purposes... #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam25 #oldhammer #warhammerquest
Ultramarine Lieutenant with LED bionic eye. This miniature was inspired by the ‘Epic Space Marine’ box art. Painted March 2022.
I’m using #TutorialTuesday to regularly remind everyone of the many free LED miniature tutorials I have on my website. This week I’m highlighting my LED Power Fist tutorial.
Fear to Tread by James Swallow
Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus reporting for duty.
I'm glad to finally have her on the table; I've been proxying her for far too long.
Custodian Wardens reporting for duty.
I love the robes on these models.
Completed a rank of Longbeards. #warhammercommunity #warhammertheoldworld #miniaturepainting
Ultramarine Veteran ‘Imperial Space Marine’ with LED effects. Painted March 2021.
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #KillTeam
Roman helmet on this Inquisitor. Yay or nay? Fits the scale I think
#warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #KillTeam
WIP of first Inquisitor. This is basically just a weapon and headswap of the Stormcast Lord Veritant. The whole mini just screamed witch hunter to me.
Next Kill Team project. Using some storm cast eternals to make Inquisitors. Possibly using the Kill Team Warp Coven rules, idk