‘Closing time, you don't have to go home
But you can't stay here…’
Goodnight folks.
Dream fearlessly.
‘Closing time, you don't have to go home
But you can't stay here…’
Goodnight folks.
Dream fearlessly.
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. It got up to 80F here today. Love days like that.
2. Finished listening to Last Guard by Nalini Singh and started Storm Echo, the next book in the Psy-Changeling series.
3. Cooked a slow cooker dish that will feed us for another two days.
My Wildcats are taking on Alabama tonight and we’re going to win! GO BIG BLUE!!!!!
Sleep well and may your dreams be out of this world. #GoodNight #KentuckyWildcatBasketball
Goodnight to the firefighters.
Goodnight to the linemen.
Goodnight to the first responders.
Goodnight to the meteorologists and atmospheric friends.
#Goodnight to the people reading this.
Goodnight, Mary Jane ...
Mats Eilersen & Geir Sundstøl - Night ride
Everybody quiet down now and get some sleep.
Dreams drag truths out of the darkness.
Good night! #3GoodThings and then some
1. Got my bangs cut finally!
2. We looked at an elliptical machine and I got to hop on it and give it a try and it has the thumbs up for purchasing!
3. We ordered an Apple Watch for me to help keep track of my fitness, calories burned, steps taken and miles walked.
The other things include I walked 14,034 steps, 5.20 miles and closed my move ring twice. And it was another gorgeous day until about half an hour after we got home then a storm cell rolled through with hail! We are safe and the house didn’t get any damage that we’re aware of.
Sleep well and may your dreams be out of this world. #GoodNight #Exercise #Fitness
Goodnight, Mary Jane ...
Jacob Young, Mats Eilersen & Audun Kleive - Moon over Meno
Y’all sleep tight now.
Dreams rush in where hopes and prayers fear to tread…
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. It was another glorious day with beautiful sunshine and such warm temperatures!
2. I finished a chapter in Braille.
3. Didn’t do so well on step count but we did do our exercises today and that counts for a whole lot.
Sleep well and may your dreams take you to the stars. #GoodNight #Braille
23:17—Good Night #Fediverse!
Yes I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist, bisexual, gender-fluid individual with interests in interests in privacy, security, Monero, Linux, North Korea, Buddhism, decentralization, psychedelics, PeerTube, FreeTube, music, and much more .
Goodnight, Mary Jane ...
Mats Eilertsen - Passaggio nach dem Regen
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. It was a gorgeous day and the windows were open for hours!
2. Got some Braille reading in. Didn’t finish a chapter but I did read and also washed the dishtowels, dishcloths and turquoise napkins.
3. Managed 15,007 steps today without even trying. That was just doing around the house.
Sleep well and may your dreams be out of this world. #GoodNight #Braille #exercise
Everybody quiet down now and get some sleep.
‘…even though you've lost your way
the world is dreaming
dreaming of spring
so close your eyes
open your heart…’
Goodnight, Mary Jane ...
Mark Solborg, Liudas Mockūnas & Mats Eilertsen - The Boxoffice Escapeplan
Good night! #3GoodThings
1. Finished a chapter in Braille!
2. Completed my calorie burn circle by 200%.
3. Chatted a bit with middle brother on the phone. We text daily but I do enjoy talking with him occasionally.
Sleep well and may your dreams be out of this world. #GoodNight #Braille #Family #Exercise