Interesting. A few (non-techy, everyday user) people I know who have stayed on WhatsApp are now thinking of leaving due to 'Meta AI' being embedded on the app in the last few days.
Could be a few more people I know coming over to Signal now.
I do wonder if big tech app-embedded AI is now becoming a step too far for the 'ordinary person in the street'.
There once was a government bold
Spying on refugees, the story's told
Using spyware on the sly
To keep an eye on those who defy
Their actions, immoral and cold
#GuardianLimerick #Italy #Europe #WhatsApp #Hacking #Surveillance #Espionage #Refugees
@TheConversationUS It should be seen as a hint, that all the money spent ba Mark #Zuckerberg does not convince #Trump and #Vance, that #Whatsapp is a secure messenger. And having their poor understanding of technology in mind, it becomes clear, that whatsapp is obviously insecure.
"Whittaker acknowledges that WhatsApp licenses Signal’s end-to-end encryption technology. Nevertheless, a lot of personal and intimate information isn’t protected. According to Signal’s president, this involves users’ location data, contact lists, when they send someone a message, when they stop, what users are in their group chats, their profile picture, and much more.
“These differences may be marketing gloss to Meta, but to us, they’re fundamental life or death issues that the public deserves to understand so they can make an informed choice,” Whittaker concludes.
On Sunday, WhatsApp sent a message to Dutch users stating that the company can’t read their messages, including text and voice messages, photos, videos, and calls.
“They are protected by end-to-end encryption because we are always committed to protecting your privacy,” the note reads."
WhatsApp lässt sich auf iPhones erstmals als Standard festlegen
iPhone-Nutzer erhalten zum ersten Mal die Option, eine Nicht-Apple-App als Standard für Nachrichten und Anrufe zu wählen. Siri will davon nichts wissen.
Court adviser says #Whatsapp should be able to challenge #EDPB opinions in court: Although the opinion is not binding, the court often follows advocate generals' views.
You can entice (is that the word?) them.
You can change your profile picture on WhatsApp with this one
You can put this line in the Info section:
Send me a message on Signal:
You can message people something like: You wanna stick it to Zuck? Let's ditch WhatsApp and switch to Signal.
Here in Europa a lot of people are not amused with Meta for bending the knee.
I found a site in English with more info:
@elduvelle #Signal is #centralized - just like #Twitter, #WhatsApp, #Telegram, #Threema, etc - and therefore exactly as vulnerable to #enshittification. Its popularity also makes it a tempting target for backdoors.
I urge people to use #XMPP instead, which is #federated like the Fediverse and has no single point of failure. It uses the same end-to-end encryption algorithm as Signal.
#Signal is trending so what's a better occasion to join it?
Install it (for free, but it's good to donate) from
I've been using it since #WhatsApp got bought by Facebook / Meta, so more than 10 years! It's been really good, with a few flaws like not being able to keep your data if you change from an iPhone to Android (or conversely), and the call quality is sometimes not ideal, but it's nice to have end-to-end encryption.
The American #government has learned from its mistake using #signal, so they won't use signal for sensitive information anymore. In the future, they will use #WhatsApp.
Ganz unabhängig vom Inhalt des Chats finde ich es doch bemerkenswert, dass us-amerikanische #Politiker dann doch lieber #Signal nutzen. Vertrauen die ihrem Freund von #whatsapp nicht?
#Meta is testing #AI voice control in #WhatsApp – with implications for our #privacy
"The idea sounds slick: you open a chat, start speaking, and the AI replies. No buttons, no clicks – everything feels intuitive. But here’s the catch: if a system is always ready to listen, then the real question becomes unavoidable – when is it actually listening, and what happens to what it hears?
Meta knowingly trained its AI on pirated content. And now this very system is supposed to be deeply embedded in our private conversations?
This goes far beyond smart tech that “understands” our voice. We’re looking at a company that has consciously disregarded legal boundaries to rush its AI to market. The trust such deeply integrated features would require? Meta has already thrown that out the window.
The real danger? Everything feels “smart” and “convenient.” But that very sense of effortlessness is part of the strategy. The more invisible the intrusion, the lower the resistance. And in the meantime, habits are being formed – ones that are hard to undo."
via @lazou
#spyware #Encryption #surveillance
#Nicole the #FediverseChick also got the #WhatsApp #military plans.
"Onze zelfvernietiging zit in de weigering platformen als Insta, WhatsApp en Facebook te verlaten"
--> "De valse apostelen van vandaag zijn de techmiljardairs naast president Donald Trump."
--> "Zij, de grootgrondbezitters van onze tijd, prediken vrijheid - voor hun bedrijven."
--> "Zoals begin 1933 Duitse grootindustriëlen zich met miljoenen Reichsmarken meldden bij Hitler, zo knielen nu de techmiljardairs. Met succes."
(Via @volkskrant ) #WhatsApp #FaceBook #BigTech