Jill Bryson & her lifelong friend & fellow songwriter/musician Lucinda Sieger are on a new episode of the Encouragement Diaries podcast.
Jill & Lucinda have known each other since art school, before either was in a band. They ended up neighbours in London in the mid 1980s.
And Spotify
Good news! Last night on the bus back from the pub I finished clearing the entire #podcast backlog that built up during the 9-ish months of doing absolutely sod all in 2020!
Klo 17 Suomen asiapitoisin puhevideolähetys Twitchissä.
Katselu onnistuu ilman tilin luontia mutta kommentointi vaatii tilin.
ポッドキャストアプリ「Pocket Casts」のウェブブラウザ版が無料で開放されたみたい。SpotifyやApple Podcast以外ならまずこれがおすすめなのでPCから試してみるのもいいかも。
https://nejimaki-radio.com/pocket-casts-web-browser-pc-podcast/ #ポッドキャスト #podcast
If you use Pocket Casts on your phone, you can continue playing the podcast through a web based player. This used to be a premium upgrade, but now it's free to all users now. :)
The best podcast player just got a little better!
More details here: https://blog.pocketcasts.com/2025/03/11/webplayer/
„Wenn alle sich trauen hinzusehen und nachzufragen, wenn ihnen etwas komisch vorkommt, ist vielen Kindern bereits geholfen“, sagen Angela Schaaf vom Kinderschutzbund #Bonn und Andreas Weiland von den Fachdiensten für Familien- und Erziehungshilfe der Stadt Bonn. Im Gespräch mit Stadtsprecherin Barbara Löcherbach stellen sie ihre Arbeit vor: https://youtu.be/u5SrxsbDG7A
Den #Podcast gibt es auch auf https://www.bonn.de/podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer & im RSS-Feed.
Welcome To XCX World
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/welcome-to-xcx-world/
… calling #Rome …
The Casa di Goethe is exhibiting 'documents and testimonies that illustrate the extent to which Ingeborg Bachmann’s life followed an aesthetic concept that is inseparable from her work':
#podcast #books #reading #writing #fiction #translation #exhiibitions #bookstodon @bookstodon
BRTmx Podcast
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/brtmx/
When you invite a Nazi to be on your podcast, you host a Nazi podcast.
USCMA Connect
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/uscma-connect/
New Changelog interview!
Beyang Liu, the CTO & Co-founder of Sourcegraph is back on the pod. @adam and Bryant go deep on the idea of "industrializing software development" using AI agents, using AI in general, using code generation. So much is happening in and around AI and Sourcegraph continues to innovate again and again. From their editor assistant called Cody, to Code Search, to AI agents, to Batch Changes, they're really helping...
Today's episode of random Wiki of the Day is on the article Orthogonal Time Frequency Space.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=random&epnum=2870
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
The Shepmates Podcast
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/the-shepmates-podcast/
My First Job In Australia – میری پہلی نوکری
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/my-first-job-in-australia/
Brand New on #labr #loveabrotherradio
1. #picknmix 58 with @DJUpNorth & @brothersoul
2. #weekendworkout 209 with @brothersoul
3. #theworkshop 84 with Ken Walker
4. #theplaylist 45 - flat with @DJDarren
5. #thebookofmark 05 with DJ Mark Stable
The Scalable Freedom Show
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/shine-online-with-ellie-swift/
This week's edition of 'What Could Go Right?' brings you some exciting updates from 2024! If you want it delivered to your inbox every Thursday at 5 am ET, sign up here.
Have you tuned into the podcast? We'd love your thoughts—fill out our feedback survey for a chance to win books by our founder, Zachary Karabell! #USPolitics #Podcast #EngageWithUs
I never understood why this app was behind a paywall.
Pocket Casts makes its web player and desktop apps usable without a subscription