I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I love the Energel 0.7 pen! It's like the ideas just flow to the page. I sketched some funny cat poses and brainstormed a painting.
Architectural Drawings Capture the Special Details of Cities via My Modern Met [Shared]
When walking through a town, there are many details that go unnoticed. Artist Stéphane Le Lagadec, however, seeks out these overlooked niches and immortalizes them in exquisite architectural drawings. Using a series of fine liner pens, he captures quiet street corners, picturesque doorways, and hidden dwellings with masterful finesse.
#art #artwork #architecture #travel #city #village #town #pen #ink #drawing #shared
A pen and pencil sketch of my old dog Elly May. She was a quarter coyote and some percent Beagle. She was a good dog. At that time all the animals on the old farm were named after the Beverley Hillbillies. #FarmDog #Coyote #Drawing #Dogs #EllyMay #BeverleyHillbillies #Beagles #Mutts #Pencil #Pen #Farms #WestMichigan
Då är det fredag igen.
#Photography #Darktable #olympus #mft #MicroFourThirds #Pen #EP5 #FensterFreitag
Would you recommend any additives to emulsify thin ink, or dilute-ink, dilute-acrylic paint, etc.?
That the ink might flow well on a dip pen nib, for instance.
(To turn thin watery pigment in to an emulsion which beads properly upon the nib.)
Would you suggest shellac, gum arabic, some kind of liquid gloss acrylic medium, or something else?
The guy was wild-eyed, with seaweed in his hair. He came up to me like Coleridge's ancient mariner.
"Do you know who I am?" he demanded.
"An ancient mariner with a long, sad story about an albatross?"
"No! I am the #pen the god of storms uses to sign his contracts!" He dug his heels into the wet sand & dragged an aimless squiggle across it.
The surf came rolling in, smoothing it away.
"Never make deals with the god of storms," said the man. "He always breaks them."
"For the crime of prose-stitution," The judge was stern, "I hereby sentence you to two years in the #pen."
Fred clapped his hands. "Thank you, your honor! I love writing!"
The courtroom flinched at the gavel. "Order! Order!"
No one said, "I'll have a Reuben."
"Mr. Tibbs," The defendant stood. "I am sentencing you to the PENitentiary! You won't write until you finish your time. We don't tolerate plagiarism, let alone AI-assisted plagiarism."
Fred sneered at the criminal pun but kept mum.
Question for eco-minded people: What’s your favorite pen? I have an abiding love for Zebra Z-Grip Flight, but I cringe at the plastic every time I get more. Maybe it’s time to let go and move on. I just looked at other options on Zebra’s website; their “eco” pen is refillable—but they don’t sell the refills, which gives me further pause. The main thing I like in a pen is smooth flow; that said, I’m also curious about fountain pens.
literary arts…
a beautiful fountain #pen
execrable writing
Today's Wandering Shop Stories #prompt is #pen. Feel like writing something short and sweet that has the word "pen" in it? Check out the definitions of the word at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pen Join in and tag it with #wss366! #writing #WritingLife #microfiction h/t @tobadzistsini
@NyakoKitty Thanks, and with a 12 yo camera. She looked like this when I told her you missed it.
#Photography #Darktable #olympus #Pen #EP5 #mft #MicroFourThirds #CatsOfMastodon
A #TikTok #handdrawn #map #video! This time it’s all 3 maps of the deserted outpost & mine
Sonja ville ha en idolbild hon kan signera. Eller så ville jag testa ”nya” kameran.
#Photography #Darktable #olympus #Pen #EP5 #mft #MicroFourThirds #CatsOfMastodon