A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/Q4J2Dsn86n0
Abandoned hospital (The Waldklinik) Germany September 2020
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/Q4J2Dsn86n0
Abandoned hospital (The Waldklinik) Germany September 2020
https://www.europesays.com/1943530/ Report shows alarming measles resurgence in Europe and US #Antibodies #autism #blindness #brain #children #deafness #disability #europe #healthcare #hospital #hygiene #ImmuneSystem #InfectiousDiseases #Measles #medicine #Meningitis #MMR #Mumps #pathogen #Pneumonia #polio #PublicHealth #research #Respiratory #Rubella #Vaccine #virus
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/2iD297Z0DPY
Abandoned Hospital (Knappschaftsheilstätte) Germany August 2020
Nurse 'strangled unconscious' by patient at Vancouver General Hospital, union says
A nurse is recovering from her injuries after being attacked at Vancouver General Hospital on March 13, in what the nurses' union calls the latest example of violence against nurses in the workplace.
#hospital #violence #nurse #attack #Vancouver #News
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/-WeZNpOdRGA
Abandoned Hospital (Sanatorium H) Germany August 2020
Chilliwack mother enduring multiple seizures faces year-and-a-half wait for epilepsy procedure
A Chilliwack mother faces a year-and-a-half wait for an epilepsy procedure. The hospital that performs them, VGH, can only do two a month.
#health #hospital #wait #Chilliwack #VGH #News
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/0_y6sC-kKmo
Abandoned hospital (Delfzicht ziekenhuis) Netherlands March 2019 (RIP)
++ ISR forces are carrying out airstrikes on ER department of the Nasser #hospital in #khanyounis, southern #gaza ++ ER department of the Nasser Hospital complex engulfed in flames ++
*edit footage update AJ Arabic
The former Ruchill Sanitation Wash House and Disinfection Station on Bilsland Drive in Glasgow. Built in 1893, it was part of the Ruchill Hospital, which was specifically constructed to treat patients with infectious diseases such as such smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, poliomyelitis and measles, all of which were common within the crowded living conditions found in much of Glasgow at the end of the Victorian era.
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/QS09K62_iNY
Abandoned hospital (Sanatorium im wald) Germany October 2019
#Israeli forces advanced deeper into #Gaza Strip on Friday & blew up only specialised #cancer #hospital in the territory
Hospital was located in #Netzarim Corridor, which splits Gaza in 2 and was controlled by Israeli troops for most of the 17-month-long war
Israel moved to retake the corridor this week shortly after breaking the ceasefire with #Hamas
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/atMMxecP_D0
Abandoned hospital (Kreiskrankenhaus Gotha) Germany October 2018
Can someone explain this to me
Edit: these comments seem like a monkey's paw situation
Germany’s latest #hospital reform hangs over coalition talks: The #CDU's election manifesto states that the party will "correct the mistakes of the #hospital reform" passed under the previous #SPD-led government. https://www.euractiv.com/section/health-consumers/news/germanys-latest-hospital-reform-hangs-over-coalition-talks/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=dlvr.it
“I would just like to know what information they’re reviewing that sways their determination to renew this man’s license,” said Lisa Warwick, whose husband, Scot, died after 11 years of chemotherapy and other treatments for a cancer he never had.
A video of this hospital: https://youtu.be/lSshPZRjYyk
Abandoned hospital (Landkrankenhaus Weisses Gold) October 2017
Within a single day, #Israel has killed more than 170 #children in #Gaza.
»An Israeli official claimed the attack in Gaza targeted the group’s “mid-ranking military commanders, leadership officials and terrorist infrastructure.”
But at her #hospital, Al-Nahhas said the majority of those killed were #women and #children.
“I just was taking care of a seven-year-old boy who was gasping and taking his final breaths and begging me to try to save him, because they’re telling me that his entire family was killed. Multiple siblings, parents. But the majority of cases that we’ve seen tonight are children.”«