The American Alliance of Museums website includes links to various scripts and templates that can be used to reach out to members of Congress and urge them to save the IMLS.

The American Alliance of Museums website includes links to various scripts and templates that can be used to reach out to members of Congress and urge them to save the IMLS.
Many thanks to the Australian Historical Association for sharing their concerns about changes to the National Library of Australia's API policy and the suspension of my API keys which, they say, "marks a troubling restriction to the work of researchers in Australia and overseas". #Trove #histodons @histodons #GLAM
Nope, now it's not so easy because the gatekeepers at the NLA want you to seek permission before downloading the content of newspaper articles via the API. The #Trove Newspaper and Gazette Harvester is widely used and cited in research literature, but I can't use or maintain it because my API keys were cancelled. The NLA's policy is damaging research.
Via Michael, Hendrik, and Valentin Werner. 2024. “Digital Press Archives for Media and Communication History Research: From ‘reading rooms’ to Virtual Research Environments”. Studies in Communication Sciences 24 (3): 285–301. #GLAM #histodons #digitalhumanities
#art #museums #GLAM #CulturalHeritage #Czechia
'"The Ministry of Culture is supporting the digitization of close to one hundred historical collections in museums and heritage sites around the country. Thanks to the subsidy, unique online museum collections are now available on the website."'
I'm hoping that research agencies, scholarly societies, and universities will pick up on the broader implications of the NLA's policy for HASS research: #GLAM #openGLAM #histodons #digitalHumanities
It's been four weeks now since the National Library of Australia suspended my API keys, forcing all my work on #Trove to stop: #GLAM #openGLAM #histodons #digitalHumanities
"The famous Joanina Library at the University of Coimbra in Portugal employs bats to provide a natural pest repellent service to protect their priceless books and manuscripts from insect damage. The library, which is a gorgeous example of Baroque architecture, was built in 1717 and houses over 200,000 tomes."
Tolles Projekt!
QueerSearch macht queere Geschichte sichtbar: Daten und Sammlungsobjekte aus verschiedenen europäischen Archiven und Sammlungen machen queere Geschichte digital zugänglich.
#queer #GLAM #Kulturdaten @histodons
Alternate musical project of #DeadLights the band #MrStrange has released an #AntiTrump anthem and #Protest song.
Slay Goliath
More horror spooky #industrial #music than their #glam #goth material, it still hits the spot for me & does a fine job of highlighting the chaos that is being unleashed on not only the US but also the rest of the world.
"GOLIATH is a protest song and a rallying cry anthem for the downtrodden and undervalued. A venomous bite back by societies lowest."
And through the clouds,
The sun rays crack a smile,
It’s a good day to die,
Though it may take a while,
We will all slay Goliath,
We will slay Goliath,
Quale scusa migliore che il 50esimo compleanno del suo cantante-autore per risentire questo pezzo #glam pubblicato con un ritardo di soli 30 anni. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love (Official Music Video) [HD] - Invidious #music #UnoRadio
Viele Archive berichten in ihren #Wissenschaftsblogs aus der archivwissenschaftlichen Forschung & diskutieren den Auftrag und die Zukunft des Archivwesens. Neuerdings kann man die #Archivblogs auch auf einer interaktiven Karte in WikiData finden.
@JensB gibt einen Einblick in die Datenpflege bei Wikidata und erklärt, warum eine Postleitzahl nicht ausreicht, um ein Archiv eindeutig zu identifizieren...
@lavaeolus @soveryoleary Imagine how different US healthcare would be if the American Medical Association were as brave as the American Library Association. #ALA #AMA #GLAM
Ugh, if they come for the museums I might actually have to chain myself to something.
#museums #GLAM #Korea #SouthKorea #CulturalHeritage
"The National Palace Museum of Korea has revamped its online section to showcase a diversity of digital content. The museum on March 11 announced its reorganization of the 'online museum' on its website for digital viewing of some 800 royal artifacts displayed at seven permanent exhibition halls."
#Africa #museums #GLAM #HumanRemains
'Museums and other cultural and educational institutions should stop the public display of African ancestral remains, a parliamentary policy briefing has said.
Commissioned by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Afrikan Reparations, the Laying Ancestors to Rest report addresses the ethical, cultural and historical concerns surrounding African ancestral remains, many of which were taken during colonial rule.'
J'ai finalisé mon billet sur les filtres/facettes dans les portails patrimoniaux : les bonnes pratiques. Il est actuellement en cours de relecture et j'espère pouvoir le publier très prochainement, sur le carnet Hypothèses Numrha.
Je m'interroge sur le nombre d'images dans ce billet, mais l'idée c'était d'illustrer chaque type de filtre et bonne pratique avec 1-3 exemples concrets, provenant de portails patrimoniaux français et étrangers.
Ce billet m'a pris plus de 3 mois à faire, entre la consultation d'une quarantaine de portails en ligne, la recherche d'exemples, la rédaction et la mise en forme (intégration des images, structuration). Enfin ! Merci aux personnes avec qui j'ai échangé ici sur le sujet ces derniers mois, j'espère que ce sera un billet utile pour avoir un état des lieux de ce qui est possible et recommandé.
Meet the Sluts Pt.3
Judy aka Judiath Priest is a force to be reckoned with. Originally a DIY Stoner concert organizer she started learning drums in her 20s and hones her craft relentlessly.
Her other musical passions are 80s heavy and glam metal.
#drummer #musician #metal #glam #heavymetal #stonermetal #doommetal
(Pic credits: thoughtfulnessinconcert)
There's a new bot on the block! Meet @provbot – sharing images from the Public Record Office Victoria, thanks to their public API. #GLAM #archives
Relatedly: if anyone you know needs some extra help with equitable evaluation or research projects (data collection, analysis, study design) or strategic planning, I'd greatly appreciate contacts or connections!
My website has a sampling of my previous collaborators - mostly in the glam and nonprofit sector. I'm most proud + humbled that I learned from and worked with the Equitable Evaluation Initiative, and I'd like to put that to work!