Fascinating mix of Religious news outlets and Socialist ones reporting on yesterday...nobody else.

Fascinating mix of Religious news outlets and Socialist ones reporting on yesterday...nobody else.
Funny how this story didn't make the news in the UK.
When you're targeting the Quakers you have no moral high ground and are just State thugs shutting down dissent.
All this noise about #signalgate not enough talk of #FreePalestine.
How dangerous are the Houthis' to American interests? If they are such a "terrorist" regime why on earth are MAGA social media influencers like Jackson Hinkle able to safely travel there and even are allowed to directly address Yemen's Free Palestine marches just days after Trump bombed the nation in supposedly devastating strikes?
"The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has convened an extraordinary meeting to address a crisis over its tepid response to the arrest and detention of Oscar-winning director Hamdan Ballal, of the documentary No Other Land, by Israeli authorities."
#GifsArtidote : I don't know the dude but I like him already.
#Macklemore #FreePalestine #Hiphop #ColumbiaUni #news #press #HindsHall #TheEncampments #educate #organise #resist
Podcast: #MaineMural: #BowdoinCollege #Encampment
Posted by Maine Mural Podcast | Mar 11, 2025
"This month our podcast looks back at the Bowdoin College encampment in early February that took over a portion of Morrell Lounge demanding the institution publicly stand against #scholasticide in #Gaza and #divest from certain arms manufacturers who have been supplying Israel’s criminal acts there. This episode maps out the encampment day by day, adding context and clarity to the brave action taken by students."
#MaineResists #FreePalestine #FreeGaza #BibiIsAWarCriminal #IsraeliWarCrimes #StudentProtests #MainePol #WorldPol #USPol
#Gaza #MotherOfFilton18 #UK #FlagOnBigBen
A poem by the mother of one of the Filton 18 Israel protester now detained for terrorism.
The former Tory-gov [rightwing] created laws against demonstrators and the Labour-gov [leftwing] is all to ready to pile up.
Starting with #ClimateProtesters but now including #FreePalestine demonstrators being more serverely punished as murderers or stabbers.
"‘Some blood belongs on British hands’ says mother of Filton 18's Zoe Rogers in poem" [ ± 1min]
by MiddleEastEye
Quote by MEE:
"Mar 21
“It’s fluttering from your tower, the flag you tried hard not to see these hundred years.”
Clare Hinchcliffe, mother of Zoe Rogers—a member of the Filton 18—recited a poem she wrote, inspired by the barefoot activist who scaled Big Ben with a Palestinian flag two weeks ago.
“Parliament is conquered… overthrown by one man,” Hinchcliffe declared.
She also affirmed that she, along with the families and friends of the Filton 18, will be waiting with “open arms” for the Big Ben climber and all “prisoners of hope.”
Denied bail, Zoe and the rest of the Filton 18 have been held without trial for seven months after their arrest for taking direct action at an Israeli arms factory in Bristol in August 2024.
The Crown Prosecution Service claims she may have links to terrorism, despite the fact that she is not facing terror-related charges."
#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide #JusticeForHindRajab
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus
Gaza : le carnage que l’occident se refuse à faire cesser
On n’ose plus moontrer les images, tellement elles sont atroces, tristes. Des dizaine de Palestiniens tués tous les jours, dans leurs tentes de déplacés, sur la routes, dans les habitations défoncés, dans leur véhicules, et dans toute la bande de Gaza. Et davantage de blessés encore, que les rares hôpitaux qui fonctionnent encore sont incapables de prendre en charge faute de médicament et de tout le reste !
suite ici:
Elle est belle la Cour suprême israélienne !
Alors que la famine se propage à nouveau à Gaza en raison du blocage par Israël de toute aide et de toute nourriture pour la troisième semaine consécutive, la Cour suprême israélienne a rejeté à l’unanimité les requêtes des groupes de défense des droits humains demandant l’autorisation de l’aide humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza.
suite ici:
And you can watch today's #Indigo11 press conference here:
#IndigoKillsKids #TorontoActivists #Toronto #FreePalestine
(Yes, that's me in the Orange Hat holding a sign for less than 2 minutes, before the dickhead cops rolled up and made me go watch them while they pointlessly guarded the courthouse EXIT. A weird attempt to intimidate people, I guess.)
#LOLife #LegalObservers
#FuckThePolice #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #PoliceDontPreventCrime #DefundDisarmDismantle
"The AIC [Academic Industrial Complex] framework brought renewed attention to the role of the academy in directly supporting criminal punishment systems and military industrial complexes. [2] At the same time, if non-profits have been essential sites for access to life-saving and sustaining resources, universities have remained important locations for generating critical dissent. In recent years, students and teachers have found that space shrinking and made vulnerable through attacks on critical and ethnic studies programs, centers, and faculty members; the elimination of tenure track lines and adjunctification of labor; and the cutting of state funds and increased privatization on the backs of students in the form of unbearable debt. [3]"
— Incite! Women of Color Against Violence: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, p. xii
Also timely, given that universities have been sites of struggle against the ongoing genocide in Gaza in retaliation for the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. The universities' implicit bargain with the capitalist ruling class of funding-for-workers, at the expense of an education-first model, has left these sites painfully vulnerable -- and sadly, largely ineffective at making material gains.
"We then soon discovered that the revolution would not be funded when the Ford Foundation, who had promised us a $100,000 grant and told us we could commit the funds to various projects, suddenly retracted the grant because of our solidarity statement in support of Palestine."
— Incite! Women of Color Against Violence: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, pp. ix-x
How timely. #palestine #gaza #FreePalestine
So, they are also coming for pro #Ukraine / #AntiRussia students and professors. Evidence that #Trump is SUCKING UP to #Putin! WHERE WILL IT END?! #RESIST!
#KseniyaPetrova, Russian scientist from Harvard Medical School detained in U.S., faces deportation and likely arrest upon return due to #AntiWar stance
The Insider
27 March 2025
"A Russian scientist working at Harvard Medical School has been detained in the United States and placed in immigration detention. According to multiple independent Russian media outlets and the scientist’s friends, she now faces possible deportation to Russia, where she could be subject to political persecution over her anti-war stance.
"The news of her detention was shared on Facebook by her friend and colleague Cora Anderson. Friends of the scientist also launched a GoFundMe campaign, which has already raised over $14,000 to support her legal and living expenses.
'#Kseniia is in danger,' a person familiar with the case told the Telegram channel Mozhem Obyasnit’ (lit. “We Can Explain”).
"Kseniia, a Russian bioinformatics researcher, arrived in Boston from the #RepublicOfGeorgia in the spring of 2023 to work at Harvard Medical School. She had been compelled to leave Russia due to her outspoken anti-war stance, which could have led to criminal charges back home. While her surname was not disclosed in the original posts, Mozhem Obyasnit’ was able to locate her Facebook page, suggesting her name is Kseniya (Kseniia) Petrova, a graduate of MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology). Her page includes multiple posts criticizing the Russian government and denouncing the invasion of Ukraine. Petrova's page on Linkedin listed her as an associate researcher at Harvard Medical School working in Dr. Marc Kirschner's lab in the Department of Systems Biology.
"On Feb. 16, after returning from a trip to France, she was detained at Boston Logan International Airport, where her visa was revoked. When Kseniia stated that she feared persecution if she were to return to Russia, she was transferred to immigration detention, first in Vermont, then in Louisiana. She is now being held in an ICE detention facility, in a room shared with 80 other women. The exact reason for the cancellation of her visa has not been disclosed by her friends."
Read more:
#Resistance #ResistAuthoritarianism #ResistDOGE #TrumpIsABully #TrumpIsPutinsPuppet #FreeUkraine #FreePalestine #FuckOligarchs #USPol #WorldPol
Israel Executes Missing Medics in Rafah and Destroys Ambulances - Quds News Network
> Israeli forces executed nine missing Palestinian medics from the Red Crescent and Civil Defense in Rafah, buried them, and destroyed their ambulances, the Palestinian Civil Defense confirmed on Thursday.
l'Indonésie ne veut pas non plus de palestiniens expulsés.
Les sionistes ne trouveront aucun pays pour s'en "débarrasser", car les palestiniens sont chez eux.
Indonesia Denies Reports of Accepting Palestinians Expelled from Gaza - Quds News Network
> The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied reports of any discussions or agreements regarding the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza to Indonesia.
The fact that anybody standing against the genocide of Palestine is automatically accused of antisemitism by some of the most influential voices in the world, is a good test of convictions. And the continued conviction that this war is evil, stands up every time.
Utterly unsurprisingly, police misconduct is what led to middle of the night no-knock raids on people for POSTERING GLASS WINDOWS and using WASHABLE PAINT.
Meanwhile, the motherfuckers stand to the side pretending to protect the building from a press conference.
#PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #PoliceDontPreventCrime #DefundDisarmDismantle #FuckThePolice
#TorontoActions #TorontoActivists #Toronto #FreePalestine #EndTheSiege