Do it step-by-step.
(No doubt, there are more options, but don't let the details keep you from trying!)
Do it step-by-step.
(No doubt, there are more options, but don't let the details keep you from trying!)
Hey you Crafty / Art person !
Go do the Thing.
Yeah, I know there are a million reasons *not to* BUT just go start the Thing.
Even if you fail, (you probably won't) even if it sucks, (it probably won't) starting will make you feel better.
You can't finish if you never start.
Pass this message on !
promise of new heights
we keep reaching for the stars
and making wishes
#mastoprompt - promise
Sen. Bernie Sanders: "The Founding Fathers of this country created the longest standing democracy on earth, and millions of Americans fought and died to preserve it. Trump is betraying their vision and moving us to authoritarianism. Stand tall. Defend democracy. We will win." #politics #Encouragement
I saw this post on #TalkingPointsMemo today that I wanted to share:
You are made, fundamentally, from the good.
With this knowledge, you never march alone.
You are the breaking news of the century.
You are the good who has come forward
Through it all, even if so many days
Feel otherwise.
All in service to a simple idea:
That we can make a house called tomorrow.
What we bring, finally, into the new day, every day,
The full poem is here: https://poets.org/poem/house-called-tomorrow
Despite everything, I'm determined to keep my adventurous spirit. Don't let them get you down. Love you for who you are. Be a light to others.
Isn’t it beautiful that God doesn’t look at our flaws or what others see—He looks straight at our hearts? His love is so vast, so tender, and so personal. He sees you, cares for you, and holds you close like the apple of His eye. No matter what you’re going through, His faithful love never fails. Let this reminder of His goodness and grace fill your heart today.
Read more and be encouraged!
Steve Gutzler: "There is a 100% chance
you can influence someone today. Make it:
> Sincere
> Gracious
> Caring
> Empathetic
> Genuine
> Loving
> Encouraging and
> Uplifting.
#Heart #Soul #Encouragement
Hello, my Lovely Peeps!
Most of us now know of Bishop #MariannBudde at least because of this week - but her sermon didn't come out of nowhere.
In 2023, she wrote "How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and #Faith" (ISBN 9780593539217)
"The #courage to be #brave when it matters most requires a lifetime of small decisions that set us on a path of self-awareness, attentiveness, & willingness to risk failure for what we believe is right."
My Lovely Peeps:
I read this at least once a year & it *never* fails to #encourage & inspire me.
It is so good whether you're feeling small in your own self, or in the difference you're trying to make in the world.
If you’re losing #hope, do at least a little more before giving up.
You always have power.
Never forget small actions matter.
Make yourself a wee republic of unconquered spirit.
Periwinkle Daisies...yes!
Words Of Wisdom from Max Ehrmann
getting old is hard
but I'm not disappointed
another New Year!
Today's Verse: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
There is ONE great thing....And you can choose to enjoy it. I am thankful for another day!
Desiderata....A classic poem combined with orange poppies. Life lessons and art for the soul!
We will make it through the next four years despite the challenges and hardships. We will make it through as a community. We are better together. We can do hard things.
Gary Hensel: "You're so hard on yourself. Take a moment. Sit back. Marvel at your life. At the grief that softened you, at the heartache that wisened you, at the suffering that strengthened you. Despite everything, you still grow. Be proud of this." #advice #encouragement