What's your preferred source for buying general market ebooks besides Amazon? Prefer to own the book outright. Want something that will make that as easy as possible.
#ebooks #bookstodon #drm #Amazon
What's your preferred source for buying general market ebooks besides Amazon? Prefer to own the book outright. Want something that will make that as easy as possible.
#ebooks #bookstodon #drm #Amazon
I've been formatting books for seven years now and have done hundreds of titles. Have a new book you want to self-publish, but just don't quite know how to prep your book files? We use Vellum for the Mac, and provide formatting for ePub (all formats) and pdf/print.
Best of all? It's just $85, changes included. Try it now:
Our method of "fighting" against ebook environment enshittification is to give away books rather than use grifty platforms. Never will you find #SROP books available from a monopolistic business. (You can buy #SROP books if you want, but we don't force you to spend money to read. Free books to good homes.)
#books #bookstodon #ebooks #drm
[end thread]
'Zon controls the bookstore, the publishing platform, the software, and the devices for nearly ALL ebook sales worldwide. And their "exclusive" option locks the authors in. Tell me this isn't a monopoly? I don't believe you.
#books #bookstodon #ebooks #drm
That probably doesn't matter much globally. I'm only one reader. But these authors have entirely lost my readership and probably an aggregate $100/year in revenue from me. Indie authors: please publish widely, not just for Kindle.
#books #bookstodon #ebooks #drm
Within the last few weeks, at least three authors whose work I normally buy immediately upon release have decided they'll stick with Amazon only, foregoing other retail outlets. Since I won't use Kindle (or associated Windows app) for reading, I'll no longer be buying any of their work.
#books #bookstodon #ebooks #drm
Threaded rant of the day. In early 2023 'Zon made format & DRM changes that make it difficult to impossible to transport/read purchased Kindle books on other devices. (As far as I can tell, using only Calibre & plugins for transport.) I'm no longer even going to try. They've entirely lost my patronage.
#books #bookstodon #ebooks #drm
38 frische #eBooks machen sich gerade wieder auf den Weg zu https://ebooks.qumran.org/ – und ich wünsche meinen Leseratten wieder viel Spaß beim Stöbern & Schmökern in den mittlerweile 13.121 Büchern!
Class action brought by textbook authors against McGraw Hill provides insights into the challenges of publishing in the digital age. Some breach of contract claims proceed as publishers push costs onto authors in the form of reduced royalty payments
Looking to move away from Amazon for reading. I shared my current workflow and what I’m looking for—would love your recommendations!
#eBooks #Calibre #Kindle #Reading #ePub #OpenSource
I've dropped the price on ARKHANGELSK again - this time everywhere - but only through Thursday the 27th.
$/£/€2.99/AUS$3.99 (sorry Australia - they wouldn't let me drop it lower) at all your favorite etailers.
My little SF mystery has a lost colony, a battered starship, stealth matriarchy, MCs over 40, a love story, a murder mystery, and sarcasm.
#sff #ebook #ebooks #WritingCommunity
Am taking a deep dive into this fascinating character. Check it out on Ink Blots! #comics #comic #digitalcomics #webcomic #webcomics #Superhero #indie_comics #indie #ebooks #SigmaGirl #SuperiorPhalanx
How are you celebrating International Day of Forests?
If you said "reading a Chronicles of Madarre novel, in which forests play an important role," then I congratulate you on your good taste!
Other perfectly-acceptable answers are hiking and planting trees, of course. You can always read after you're done being physically active for the day.
"An ICOLC survey of over 500 libraries and library consortia worldwide highlights a fundamental need for e-book solutions based on permanent access."
Calibre 8.0 has been released, with the latest version of the free and open source eBook management app adding better support for Kobo devices, Chromebooks, and more. #Kobo #Calibre #eBooks https://calibre-ebook.com/whats-new
Check out the #WorldSF bundle of ebooks!
From Lavie Tidhar: “The 2025 World SF Bundle: Join me for a trip around the world, from China to Nigeria, Luxembourg to the outer reaches of space. Hello – and welcome to the eighth annual World SF bundle! Can you believe we're still here?” #SFF #ScienceFiction #Ebooks #Books #Bookstodon
Have you downloaded all your Kindle #ebooks and are wondering where and how to keep them safe?
Libreture now supports your Kindle AZW3 ebook files!
Is Mathew Sedley a killer, a scapegoat, or the final victim?
Book View Cafe is proud to release TRUTH LIES BLEEDING, a riveting crime #thriller from New York Times bestselling author Chris Dolley. In #paperback and #ebook.
#BookViewCafe #bookstodon @bookstodon #ebooks