Realms of Antiquity 50% off on GOG until 4/3! Could use a few extra sales for the quarter, spread the word! #indiegame #indiedev @retrogame #retrodev #crpg #ti994a #sale

Realms of Antiquity 50% off on GOG until 4/3! Could use a few extra sales for the quarter, spread the word! #indiegame #indiedev @retrogame #retrodev #crpg #ti994a #sale
We're currently building a system to create cinematics quickly. Now it's easy to make camera movements and animations!
Desperately trying to come up with a name for my Legendary Wounding Railway Rifle...
Settled on Lizzie (short for Elizabeth Báthory). What, me original?
(Yes I still play Fallout 4)
I think I have found a programming language that hurts my brain more than Perl.
I took Richard Garriott's BASIC code from 1977 and did as little to it as I could to get it to work with Applesoft BASIC. You can copy the above code and paste into the Applesoft BASIC in Javascript emulator.
Do not ask for instructions!
And you have to name your character
Speaking of BASIC. Someone should write a code linter for BASIC. It could check for errant GOTOs and the like.
Realms of Antiquity is part of Steam Spring Sale, 50% off until March 20th!
#crpg #ti994a #retrogame #indiegame #indiedev
The free demo of my #MagicalGirl #DungeonCrawler Minerva Labyrinth is now available on Steam and Itch!
Null State is a fresh take on #retro #cyberpunk hacking games!
This isn't #shadowrun or #cyberpunk2077 -- we've got silly NPCs with serious storylines and turn-based, Battleship-like seek & destroy combat.
#wishlistwednesday #steam
#indiegame #indiedev #indierpg #crpg #rpg
Ho sperimentato il lato oscuro di Baldur's Gate 3 come Dark Urge. Fare scelte malvagie, come unirsi al massacro dei Tiefling, mi ha lasciato sconvolto e con un profondo senso di colpa. Il silenzio inquietante del Bosco dopo il massacro è agghiacciante. #BaldursGate3 #CRPG #GamingNews
All it takes is one light to drastically change the mood!
La patch 8 di Baldur's Gate 3 porta 12 nuove sottoclassi! Paladini del Giuramento della Corona, Guerrieri Arcieri Arcani, Monaci Maestri Ubriachi e Ranger Custodi dello Sciame sono solo alcune delle novità. Un video di Larian mostra queste classi, le altre 8 saranno svelate presto! #baldursgate3 #crpg #videogames #gamingnews #pcgames
Realms of Antiquity on sale at GOG, 50% off until St. Patrick's Day! #crpg #indiedev #indiegame #ti994a #retrogame
#Videogames #crpg #MassEffect #WrathOfTheRighteous #Lesbian
Gender euphoria unlocked: Men not taking "no" for an answer!
It's about time Evermist got a little misty!
They say that to make a story, you have to start with a map.
Placing things visually allows you to stand back and take stock.
A map created with Nortantis, free and open source!
Designing a dungeon level:
"This is too easy, I should add something meaner."
"Maybe I should back off, that might be too harsh."
"Is it, though?"
Ultima: A Kitchen Sink Science Fantasy
Solasta 2 arriva in accesso anticipato su Steam con una demo giocabile! Miglioramenti grafici e di recitazione, con Amelia Tyler (Baldur's Gate 3) che dà la voce ad una strega. Combattimenti tattici impegnativi e complessi. Da non perdere per i fan dei CRPG!
#videogiochi #crpg #dungeonsanddragons #solasta2 #gamingnews