By describing a fetus as a person from conception, Trump has legitimized #fetal #personhood.
Pro-abortion activists have long warned that fetal personhood,
an ideology that calls for providing equal human rights to a fetus
(even if it’s a cluster of cells),
will effectively strip pregnant people of their own rights.
The legal language employed by fetal personhood also effectively categorizes any person receiving an abortion at any stage as a #murderer.
But the concept of fetal personhood is not only weaponized to limit abortion access
—it’s also been leveraged at the state level to restrict in vitro fertilization ( #IVF ) access for intended parents in places such as Alabama,
and even used to limit access to forms of #birth #control.
In May, the Texas GOP attempted to transform fetal personhood into law, claiming that “abortion is not healthcare, it is homicide,”
and called on lawmakers to extend “equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization"