Big afternoon planned (not really). Going to get our new wills signed and witnessed at the local shopping centre. Then off for a late-ish lunch to celebrate our mortality. There shall probably be wine involved.
*After the signatures.
How kitchen disco-dancing granny Carole Middleton saw off the snobs… so as she turns 70, is a title for Kate and Wills’ rock finally on the cards? #Cards #Carole #discodancing #finally #Gossip #granny #Kate #kitchen #Middleton #OpinionsOrOpinionPieces #rock #Royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalGossip #Royals #RoyalsGossip #snobs.. #title #turns #Wills
Golden sunset hour in #Chicago with #Trump Tower on left, #Wills (Sears) Tower in middle, and Chicago One Tower on the right.
In foreground is Park Hyatt, where #KamalaHarris stayed during #DNC last month
Lakeshore. Originally the corporate HQ for WD & HO Wills, later Imperial Tobacco, now a block of swanky flats.
#photography #lakeshore #ImperialTobacco #Wills
My brother passed away recently and I’m executor of his will. I am sure learning a lot about #legal things. Most of what I’ve read does not have “see a #lawyer” near the top of the “to do” list. I’m adding it to my list. Can’t wait to learn about probate and other things I never learned in school (sarcasm). #death #wills #executor #LearningCurve
Culpeper County, Virginia Will Abstracts 1791-1803 by Ruth Sparacio; Sam Sparacio
#culpepercounty, #virginia, #culpeper, #wills, #propertyrecords, #propertyownership, #wealthtransfers, #whitesupremacy, #antiblackness, #blackchattelslavery, #virginiahistory, #historyofvirginia, #genocide, #divorce, #courtrecords, #19thcentury, #unitedstatesofamerika, #capitalaccumulation, #capitalism, #nuclearfamily, #inheritance, #inheritances, #slaveowners, #slaveholders, #enslavers
This Antient Press publication contains entries from Culpeper County Will Book D, September 19, 1791 through April 19, 1803.
Carroll County, Mississippi Abstracts of Wills 1834-1875, Divorces 1857-1875 by Betty Couch Wiltshire
#mississippi, #carrollcounty, #divorces, #wills, #propertyrecords, #propertyownership, #wealthtransfers, #whitesupremacy, #antiblackness, #blackchattelslavery, #mississippihistory, #historyofmississippi, #genocide, #divorce, #courtrecords, #19thcentury, #unitedstatesofamerika, #capitalaccumulation, #capitalism, #nuclearfamily, #inheritance, #inheritances, #slaveowners, #slaveowners, #slaveholders, #enslavers, #mississippidelta
Index to District of Columbia Wills, 1801-1920 by Dorothy S. Provine
#DC, #WashingtonDC, #districtofcolombia, #unitedstatesofamerika, #slaveowners, #blackchattelslavery, #wills, #will, #willandtestament, #lastwillandtestament, #propertyownership, #propertytransfers, #wealth, #intergenerationalwealth, #upperclasses
from the introduction: "This book consists of an alphabetical name listing of more than 22,700 wills filed in the District of Colombia Orphans' Court (Probate Court) during the period 1801-1920. [...] The vast bulk of the wills, of course, were created by the local middle and upper class property owners to ensure that the distribution of their possessions was carried out according to their wishes."