2/2 And I do love this version: look at all these diverse adults singing with a tiny plushie frog! I always get goosebumps. For me a symbol of the world I want to live in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8enlTBXR5Y
@moonrabbit It's one of my wellfeeling videos.
And I do love this version: look at all these diverse adults singing with a tiny plushie frog! For me a symbol of the world I want to live in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8enlTBXR5Y
1/2 I think there can never be too much Kermit in spring. Let's sing!
It makes me giggle to see people stopping to take pictures of the fae’s holiday decorations!
Beautiful morning on the north coast of California. Well maybe for a few minutes. Enough to get the three of us outside to marvel at this rainbow that was so much more beautiful than these pictures.
Today I will be leaving Summer in charge while I help set up a room for our friend who spent two weeks in the hospital and a week in a motel.
His house is a wreck but we managed to turn one large room into a safe living space with a hospital bed, space heater, small refrigerator and microwave. I even found a heavy duty walker with a seat at a thrift store. Yesterday we got the water and power back on.
He has a visit from a home health nurse this week.
I feel like he will be ok for now. I know he feels like he is gaining control of his life back with a little help from his friends.
I spent a lot of time cutting butterflies out of wrapping paper so Ollie, my character from @swingtimecomic, could dress up fabulously for Mardis Gras
(actually he went to the 9x5 Exhibition at The Drum Theatre Dandenong, he will be on display til May 2 and on sale for $140, contact me if you want to take him home)
Process write up: https://www.patreon.com/posts/9x5-artwork-124179493
*"May you always have work for your hands to do!*May your pockets hold always a coin!*or two!*May the sun shine bright on your window pane!*May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain!*May the hand of a friend always be near you!*& may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you!"
~ Old Irish Blessing
Felt like my profile had too few rainbows on it~.
Have C O L O R S!
I will now go and put a shitton of glitter on it. <3
Covid-19 pandemic memorial bench in Victoria Park in the west of Glasgow.
I am so happy to watch one of my favourite groups in all black outfits performing songs I love.
Another rainbow in Napa Valley.
Seen by the ALERTCalifornia fire cam for Rutherford.