the #ProudBoys' memecoin's logo is... a rooster?
The #ProudBoys have launched a memecoin called "Proud Coin". The members who were imprisoned after January 6th are going to use the money raised to sue the American Dept. of Justice for wrongful imprisonment.
oh, and #EnriqueTarrio got arrested at the presser he called to promote it.
#ProudBoys stood in front of the #Capitol building, the site where they engaged in a #violent #insurrection on #Jan6, 2021, to announce that they are suing the #DOJ.
At the announcement, Proud Boys leader #EnriqueTarrio was arrested by #CapitolPolice for his interaction with a protester.
#FarRight #Militia Leader Hints at TERRIFYING New career Path
Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who received a full pardon for crimes related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, said Wednesday he has decided to run for public office.
One dynamic borne out repeatedly in recent years is that MAGA politicians who are not Trump generally suck shit at getting elected. I’m all for Tarrio wasting his time on this quest instead of organizing fascist street violence with his gang of neo-Nazi incel morons. Here’s hoping he has a debilitating coke stroke at a campaign event & then avails himself of right-to-die laws.
The #ProudBoys Are Plotting a Comeback. And They Want Revenge
Fresh out of federal prison, former Proud Boys leader #EnriqueTarrio suggests he’s still in charge as the #FarRight organization looks to regroup.
by Tess Owen
Jan 23, 2025 11:25 AM
Excerpt: "'The Proud Boys are not terrorist masterminds. These are not the brightest #neofascists out there,' said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. 'But they are committed to the cause. They are single-minded in this mission now: for revenge, for retribution. And as we’ve seen before, they are willing to go across state lines and use violence in furtherance of their goals.'
"An analysis of Proud Boys’ social media channels by the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism identified a surge in online activity following the January 6 pardons, including discussions of ramping up real-world activism to help further the Trump administration's agenda. 'Posts from Proud Boys groups reveal an emboldened network, with members fantasizing about mass deportation schemes and threatening to escalate their attacks during #PrideMonth,' the GPAHE said in a statement. 'These developments point to a broader alignment between extremist groups and the Trump regime, raising urgent concerns about public safety and the normalization of far-right violence.' A North Carolina chapter, via its Telegram channel, proposed carrying out 'bount[ies on illegals.' A chapter in upstate New York gleefully circulated a rumor that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was offering $750 rewards to turn in undocumented #immigrants.
"In the years since the Capitol riot, as dozens of Proud Boy members and leaders copped charges for the insurrection, the group became increasingly elusive and unpredictable. They pivoted away from large-scale public demonstrations—which would often involve 100 or so Proud Boys descending on a city, clad in yellow and black, reeking of beer, looking for media attention and fights—and instead embedded themselves into hyperlocal culture wars across the country, in many cases aligning themselves with #ChristianNationalists. They started showing up to small protests against vaccines, crashed school board meetings, and intimidated attendees at #drag brunches. For the most part, they stayed away from cities or towns where they were likely to encounter opposition.
"Though they mobilized in a few instances in support of Trump ahead of the 2024 election, it was, overall, fairly lackluster, especially compared to 2020. This drove speculation that the gang was on its last legs.
"Then, on Monday, as Trump was taking the oath of office, more than 100 uniformed Proud Boys marched through the streets of Washington, DC, led by their south-Florida chapter.
"It was a striking scene—one that seemed intended to send a clear message: 'We’re back.'"
#USPol #Fascists #Nazis #ICE #FuckNazis #NoPlaceForHate #GlobalProjectAgainstHateAndExtremism
Jen Psaki:
Trumps Begnadigungen haben ein Monster geschaffen, das er nicht kontrollieren kann
"Ich versuche, den Leuten keine Angst zu machen, aber es gibt Momente, in denen es mir angebracht erscheint. Die Entscheidung von Präsident Donald #Trump, die Strafen von rund 1.500 am Aufstand vom 6. Januar beteiligten Personen zu begnadigen oder in Strafen umzuwandeln, darunter mehr als 600 Menschen, die wegen Angriffen oder Widerstands gegen Polizisten verurteilt wurden, ist einer dieser Momente.
Ich muss ständig daran denken, was #EnriqueTarrio , der wegen Aufruhrverschwörung zu 22 Jahren Haft verurteilte Anführer der Proud Boys , dem „Infowars“-Moderator Alex Jones nach seiner Freilassung zu sagen hatte: „Ich bin froh, dass der Präsident nicht auf Vergeltung, sondern auf Erfolg setzt, aber ich sage Ihnen, dass ich mich nicht an diese Regeln halten werde.“
Trump's Enrique Tarrio pardon creates a monster he can't control #us #USA
Two prominent far-right #extremists with central roles in the Capitol attack, #EnriqueTarrio of the #ProudBoys & #StewartRhodes of the #OathKeepers militia, have been set free.
#criminal #law #Felon47 #Jan6 #insurrection #PoliticalViolence #SeditiousConspiracy
Most of the [#ProudBoys & the #OathKeepers] defendants were convicted on #sedition charges & were serving #prison terms of up to 18 years. Under the #commutations, their sentences will be reduced to time served.
The most prominent defendant convicted of #SeditiousConspiracy charges…was #EnriqueTarrio, the fmr leader of the ProudBoys, …[he received a full pardon, not simply a commutation, from #Trump].
A representative for #EnriqueTarrio, the pardoned former leader of the #ProudBoys, says he has been RELEASED from a federal prison in Louisiana & is expected to return to Miami, his hometown, on Tuesday afternoon.
By including #EnriqueTarrio, the former leader of the #ProudBoys, in his extraordinary #pardons for the events of #Jan6, 2021, Trump granted clemency on to a man whom prosecutors have described as a savvy, street-fighting #extremist who helped his compatriots in “Trump’s army” initiate an assault on the Capitol.
Until the #pardons were issued, Tarrio, 42, was serving a 22-yr prison term after being convicted of #SeditiousConspiracy & other felonies for his role….
Four years after supporters of then-President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol, Enrique Tarrio, a key figure behind the effort, has requested a full pardon from Trump. #worldnews #politics #enriquetarrio #proudboys #us #2024uspresidentialelection #republicans #donaldtrump #jdvance #joebiden
We are officially a post-law society.
Proud Boys leader serving 22 years for Jan. 6 conviction asks Trump for a pardon
DC officer guilty for leaking to #ProudBoys’ #EnriqueTarrio before #Jan6
Prosecutors said former intel unit head #ShaneLamond helped #Tarrio & the Proud Boys stay “one step ahead” of #law enforcement in the fateful days before the Capitol riot, a cat-and-mouse game with police.
#NeverForget who told the Proud Boys to “stand back & stand by”
#democracy #Authoritarianism #Autocracy #MafiaState #WhiteSupremacy #Trump #TrumpCoup
ONLY ONE #J6 defendant received a punishment that severe— #ProudBoys ldr #EnriqueTarrio, who was ALSO convicted of a #SeditiousConspiracy to keep #Trump in power. He was sentenced to 22yrs in prison. The avg sentence for a rioter w/no criminal history & convicted of no felonies other than obstruction is ~2yrs.
Justices #Alito & #Kavanaugh questioned the #DOJ’s use of the “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge, & whether Congress meant to turn illegal & disruptive protesting, a #misdemeanor punishable by only a year or less in prison, into a #felony that carries a potential 20-yr sentence.
The only #Jan6 defendant given a sentence at or over 20 years is #ProudBoys leader #EnriqueTarrio, who was also convicted of leading a #SeditiousConspiracy to block Biden from taking office.
…now, in a #video clip provided exclusively to #RollingStone, #RogerStone can be seen talking w/ #EnriqueTarrio by phone on Nov 5, 2020, at Stone’s office in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The clip is taken from Christoffer Guldbrandsen’s documentary A Storm Foretold, which chronicles how Stone’s “Stop the Steal” campaign led to the #Jan6 assault on the #Capitol. The #film will be released in select theaters on Jan. 5.