Finished with errands, chillin' at the #FuckNazis bench. A sentiment I endorse wholeheartedly. Not literally, of course.
Finished with errands, chillin' at the #FuckNazis bench. A sentiment I endorse wholeheartedly. Not literally, of course.
So, pretty much, anyone that is critical of #BibiIsAWarCriminal and #PutinIsAWarCriminal or is supportive of #TransRightsAreHumanRights are targets. When will it end?!!!
#FuckNazis #FuckOligarchs #RESIST #Resistance #ResistAuthoritarianism #April5th #USPol #WorldPol #UniteAgainstTheRight
Me acabo de encontrar a mi primer nazi de Mastodon, perteneciente al servidor y en cuya descripción pone abiertamente que es nacionalsocialista, además de una imagen de perfil de un águila con reconocible forma de esvástica y los también reconocibles colores blanco, rojo y negro. Guardo captura de pantalla de su perfil, de su fav en mi publicación y de algunas publicaciones suyas respondiendo a algunas personas de manera un poco asquerosa. Un par de ellas sois contactos míos, compañerAs.
De momento lo he bloqueado y lo voy a denunciar. Pero entiendo que la repercusión probablemente será que yo no vea sus publicaciones, si no es de mi mismo servidor. O le pueden eliminar la cuenta? O cómo va esto? Es la primera vez que denuncio a alguien aquí.
#ayuda . No quiero nazis de mierda en este lugar.
Finished with shopping, chillin' at the #FuckNazis bench.
Challenge accepted!
#Bong #BongBong #BongSignal #SparkItIfYaGotIt
Nazi punks fuck off
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21, 2025
Fight racism, fascism and anti-Semitism every day, always, without compromise.
Nazi punks fuck off
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21, 2025
Fight racism, fascism and anti-Semitism every day, always, without compromise
Do you know how bad you have to fuck up to lose Nick — holocaust denier, leader of white supremacy group Identity Evropa, and outspoken incel — Fuentes??
Does that mean they are prepared if #Russia fucks up the #Peacetreaty for good? Then, good. We‘re ready to fight for #Europe‘s freedom.
I don't know why it just hit me like this, but THE FUCKING NAZIS ARE BACK, WTF GUYS???
#fucknazis #boycottusa #teslatakedown #StandWithUkraine #fightback #resist
Be very alert #USA, and stay on your toes!
„US President Donald Trump has signed an order to strip back federally funded news organisation Voice of America, accusing it of being "anti-Trump" and "radical".
A White House statement said the order would "ensure taxpayers are no longer on the hook for radical propaganda", and included quotes from politicians and right-wing media criticising the broadcaster.“
#FuckTrump #FuckMusk #FuckNazis
A small pause because I found this Tolkien letter. Remember kids, Nazis are bad, if you got a choice of employer or client think that at least a drug cartel is always inclusive. This is the answer when tolkien was inquired about his aryan blut. #tolkien #nazi #racism #anarchism #fucknazis #books
In the 1930s and until 1941 there was an anti-democratic, anti-socialist, proto fascist political organisation called Technocracy Inc. in the USA and Canada.
One of it's aims was a pan North American state that would consist of the USA, Canada, Panama, and Greenland.
Remind you of someone?
Oh, BTW. Joshua N. Haldeman, the maternal grandfather of one Elon #Musk was a member until the organisation was banned in 1941.
What a coincidence. A pre WWII Fascist coincidence.
Oh, and someone is constructing a Technocracy Inc website since 2023.
The coincidences just keep piling up.
Brötchen procured, chillin' at the #FuckNazis bench. A sentiment I endorse wholeheartedly. Not literally, of course!
The sun struggles to emerge from behind cloud cover. Every once in a while a shaft spears through, and I see spots.
Sign from the DC #protest against #maga #fascism
" We stand with #ukraine #canada #panama #greenland "
#resist #fucknazis #fucktrump #fuckmusk
@DemocracyMattersALot #musk doesn't do anything right, just far-right.
Why is anyone still buying #swasticars? How can that shit be so ugly and poor quality? There are some Volkswagen beetles from Hitler' time that may still work.
#Volkswagen was a Nazi company and benefited from Hitler's support and slave labour. Maybe in a few years' time #Tesla will pretend it had no involvement with the #nazi #Musk
North Vancouver RCMP seek help with investigation into white supremacy stickers
It's like the Universe decided we needed a physical manifestation of what Elon's doing to America.
#heartwarming #fuckelon #fucknazis